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How to Share Automation Rules with Other Trello Admins

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September 29, 2022

Hi, I'm having an issue where another Admin who has access to the same board I do, can't see automation rules and calendar scheduled commands that I've set up. When they attempt to create automation, they don't see those existing rules.

Is it possible to share those rules and calendar scheduled commands with other board admins so they can see existing automation rules?

2 answers

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Brant Schroeder
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September 30, 2022

@joe_friedrichsen I believe that automation sharing is possible on premium and enterprise plans.  Are you using one of those plans?

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Joseph Chung Yin
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September 29, 2022

@joe_friedrichsen - 

Just for clarification - are you asking for the Trello product? + calendar scheduled commands?

In JSM - I am not aware of calendar scheduled commands for JSM project.  However for automation rules (Automation for Jira), one will need to be a project's Administrators role members to view/configure/manage the rules associated with a project.  If the automation rules are global in nature, then one will need to be system admin.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Infrastructure Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

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September 29, 2022

Yes, for Trello. How do you know if you're a system admin vs. project admin?

Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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September 29, 2022

If this is for Trello, then you should contact Atlassian Support ( for further guidance. Here is the Trello guide link -

In our env, we don't use Trello, so cannot assist you further on that product.

In JSM/JSW - For project admins, one can see "Project settings" located at the left bottom of screen from any project.  For system admin, one can see gear symbol "Settings" located at the upper right of screen.


Best, Joseph

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