How can I stop duplicate tickets coming into JSM?

Jessica Morgan January 9, 2025
  • We have 2 email address linked to our JSM.
  • Email 1 is usually for when a customer is in the implementation/just gone live, so our PM are able to monitor the inbox outside of JSM if needed.
  • We will then advise them to start using Email 2 
  • However, sometimes they will include email 1 & 2 when sending us an email, which causes duplicate tickets. 

Is there a way to stop this with automation or otherwise instead of repeatedly telling the customer to only email one address?

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Brant Schroeder
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January 9, 2025

@Jessica Morgan You have a couple of options here:

  1. Setup an email rule in email 1 mailbox that if email 2 is on the email it is deleted or moved to a different folder when it comes in.  This will prevent JSM from getting the email.  
  2. You can setup an automation in JSM so that the duplicate gets automatically closed.
  3. You can have them use an email during implementation and then use the Customer Portal after go live.  This way you can have multiple support options, get the proper information up front and properly route requests.  You can even have a knowledgebase to help them answer their own questions prior to submitting an issue.

I would recommend number 3.


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