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Cascading fields (one field based on value of other field) within Jira workflow screen

Simon Sahli July 22, 2024

Hi Atlassian community,

I have had several time the requirement that for a Jira workflow there are two fields to be added to the SAME transition, but the second field shall only be shown depending on the value of first field (cascading fields).

There is a new YES or NO type of field (single choice) that shall be added to NEW to WORK IN PROGRESS transition screen.
Only if the users chooses YES as a response for this field then another field shall appear in the workflow screen where the users explain WHY they have chosen YES for this field. If they have chosen NO for the previous field then the why field does not need to appear.

I don´t think that Jira workflow screens are flexible when it comes to displaying fields, right?
If that assumption is right, then what is the best practice to deal with this kind of requirement?

I am so far just showing both fields in the workflow screen and I mention in the field description that the second field only has to be filled in if the first one = YES.
However this is not so ideal, since first, I cannot make the second field mandatory and it also adds more fields that are often not relevant.

Please let me know if you have any proven best practice approaches for this kind of described situation. 
Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

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