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Atlassian Youtube: where can I get the Asset schema from this demo video?

Eric Hansen November 27, 2023

Watching this video (~1m21s) got me really excited about Assets, however there aren't any templates that match the demos.

Getting started with the schema has so far been the hardest part and would love to start off by customizing the robust ones featured in the video.

For getting started, I don't want to setup a bunch of auto-discovery, I'd like to adjust the schema and experiment with loading data to prove out the concept and value of adopting.

Where can customers get access to those schemas for prototyping and implementation design?


2 answers

1 vote
Marc Koppelaar - Devoteam
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 28, 2023

Hi @Eric Hansen 

Asset Discovery relies on agents installed on server to gather the content and create patterns for scanning and who to set the date into assest to be used within Jira Service Managment. 

See documentation here on how to use the discovery agent

Eric Hansen November 28, 2023

Hi @Marc Koppelaar - Devoteam and @Marek Parfianowicz  — so glad to have your help as I'm new to all this, but I'm most intrigued by the parts of the demo showing assets like AWS, Services, Applications, Employees, etc. and don't see the connection between the discovery agent and those.

...except for maybe AWS, but my problem with that is I don't have access to an AWS environment that's as clean as the one in the demo and would love to start with that schema to configure my own.

Eric Hansen November 28, 2023

@Marek Parfianowicz very excited about templates, but there are none that come close to the ones in the demo. E.g., 2 of the templates have only 3 object types and the other one has 5 + 3 data models.

They also don't cover the schemas from the demo that are most relevant to our use case, which is the AWS, Application and Service ones.

I did see the other links yes, but we're using Cloud, not Server, and I didn't see where you could download those schema from that page.

0 votes
Marek Parfianowicz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 28, 2023

A schema will be created on first import. So just run any rule in Assets Discovery and upload scan results to Jira Service Management. This should be sufficient.

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