I'm hoping this is just a me thing and I'm not understanding the process correctly. The new asset manager looks amazing in the videos but in practice, it's clunky and borderline useless as an actual asset manager?
My experience so far:
This is about as far as I've gotten because it took way too long to figure out that I needed to use terminal to run a job (this still baffles me). Does anyone see any value in this? I know I can automate a lot of this but what is the actual purpose of me having to do so much manual work inside and outside of the Atlassian environment just to connect itself to itself?
Again, I hope I'm one of the dumber posters in this forum because I really can't wrap my head around how I'm supposed to actually use this as an actual asset manager.
Hi @aarnesen
My exact experience as well. I finally worked the mapping import etc etc and then today I get to the point of importing into the asset and couldnt believe I had to export then download a csv and import it in the asset. It is a beta and I can only hope that it logically includes a way to automatically import into the assets ,otherwise is pointless.
Hopefully it's a case of poor documentation because the early demo I saw at the Team 24 conference six months ago definitely showed that the tool can import the ingested data into Assets objects.
For reference