Adding "" to an organization will automatically add any accounts that match this domain to the organization.
Please note that "" relies on an exact match and does not support wildcards (e.g. "" is a different domain)
Also note this feature does not add existing accounts to the organization. The feature only checks new accounts when they are created. You'll need to once off add your existing users to the organization.
Hello this feature is USELESS. I was hoping it would work this way.
Set project's customer permission to "Restricted" Add the organization on the Customer directory of the project Set the organization to automatically add customer with to this organization Hence in conclusion when a customer with emails this project he is added to the organization automatically therefore making him a customer and will have access to generate a ticket.
BUT NO, it did not add the customer on the org hence ticket generation failed. because apparently "Restricted" customer permission on the project prevents this feature from working. The support request is showing failed on the email logs.
So this is just literally grouping customers and nothing else. FYI there was an automation for this before this feature got made so its not new. Not really USEFUL because the project settings is OPEN anyways for anyone on your Jira instance. "Yes ! i can now organize the customer automatically to their organization to supplement my OCD and nothing else" sorry this really infuriates me. Unless i was wrong about this, but this is happening to us.
@Joshua Buison the feature is new in the respect, that users don't need to open up issues anymore before being added automatically into an Org. The new "trigger" is creating an Account (either Portal-Only or Atlassian with Customer role).
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@Ash Young - how can we automatically "re index" or "sync" the existing customers to organizations after the existing organizations have had domains added to them? Instead of just "automatically assign new customers"
Eg we have 3 Customers with domain and an Organization Abc but only just set the domain on it; now, i want to automatically add the 3 customers in it without manually going through adding them. And same with all other customers and organizations
Please let me know? Am sure this will help many people.
@Joshua Buison maybe it doesn't hit all of your use-cases, but just as an fyi, one other thing that is useful about the automatic grouping by domain is that it can share the requests in the customer portal for that entire Org of that domain and then you can let those external people see each other's requests without needing to be a Request Participant of each request, but also not needing to be in your Jira instance at all.
Most of our customers are not part of the same domain, so Orgs are not helpful in that case, but it helps with some use-cases when you are interacting with entire other companies.
I'm also still hoping we can have more permissions around the Orgs though. Would love to let Service Desk Team agents add/remove people from Orgs, but not be able to edit the Org itself (or have one more layer of permissions besides only Jira Admins or everyone... would be good to be able to set it by project role). Also really want all agents to be able to edit the display name of a portal-only customer in the Customers section (could live with that working like Orgs work now.... let all users edit them or be able to lock it to Jira Admins)
We would allow everyone to edit customer display names, but do not want that for Orgs since unfamiliar people are unintentionally sharing things with people by trying to group people under a term that is helpful as an Org... since they cannot edit a display name they do weird things with Orgs.
this is great but today if I have two project I can’t share org and customer across multiple project (keeping them sync) if I add org I want it to be added to multiple project same for cust.
Unfortunately theres no current way to "reindex" or "sync" as you describe. Your use case makes complete sense.
You are able to add customers in bulk once off via the "customer" or "organizations" pages (You can add up to 50 users at a time) or alternatively you can use our API to perform this once off.
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OK thanks @Ash Young - not the most ideal as it requires either some manual or technnical intervention - both of which I can do. BUT it would be great if this would be automatic or perhaps 'asked in a dialog' when saving the domain to the org. Could you create and share a JSMCLOUD ticket for that? Thanks for the answer though
@Ash Young We've had this feature on, but I still feel that I'm a bit confused on a few things.
New organizations do get created properly, using an Automation rule to create it based on the reporter's email domain; this isn't customizable, and any domain that ends in `.com` has that truncated. results in an an org named `Example`, but creates ``. And neither one adds the actual domain like the UI "Manage email domains" feature. I would expect it to do that.
Managing the email domains also doesn't appear to be possible via API, is that right?
I'm hoping to connect orgs to another system to display data, but that gets a lot harder if I can't rely on the real domain being used as the name of the org. Theoretically, I could turn off the rule to automatically create the org, and do it all via the API, but that would get messy, and I think require three separate calls (to create the new org, to add the org to the project, and then to add the customer to the org).