Evaluating customer service in Jira Service Management: top metrics for outstanding experience


Jira Service Management provides a robust platform for managing IT, but effectively evaluating the value delivered by IT requires a strategic approach to metrics, one that can look past the surface of SLAs and foster continuous improvement in user satisfaction.

In this article, we’ll dive into the essential metrics for assessing customer experience in Jira Service Management and highlight common pitfalls to avoid in service delivery performance measurement, so you can put your team on the right track for long-term success.

4 traps to avoid when measuring service delivery performance in JSM

Measuring service delivery performance in Jira Service Management is no easy task, and it can be tempting to jump to conclusions based on the wrong data simply because they are easy to access and well presented.

The most common traps IT teams fall into when measuring service delivery performance in Jira Service Management are:

  • 📊 Over-relying on quantitative metrics - While metrics like ticket closure rates and response times are important, they do not provide a full picture of customer satisfaction and can lead to a misleading sense of service quality. Indeed qualitative feedback from users provides invaluable insights into the emotional and subjective aspects of the customer experience and shouldn’t be neglected.

  • 🛤️ Ignoring the user journey - Focusing solely on ticket resolution without considering the overall user journey and experience can result in a fragmented approach that neglects long-term customer satisfaction.

  • 🎯 Failing to align metrics with business goals - Metrics should reflect broader business objectives. Without this alignment, service improvements may not effectively contribute to the organization's strategic goals.

  • Too much too soon - teams who are just getting started with service experience management may try to go “all in.” Doing so dilutes focus, risks quality, and reduces stakeholder buy-in. Starting small is not only recommended, but it even aligns with all seven of the ITIL guiding principles.

The experience metrics that matter and can actually be tracked in Jira Service Management

To really understand how customers feel about your service in Jira, it's essential to look at a collection of metrics that tell the whole story—not just how quick and effective your service is, but also how it makes users feel.

At Elements, we believe in a balanced approach to service performance management. When assessing service management performance, we take a look at four key metrics categories:

  • Customer satisfaction - This is all about figuring out if your users are actually happy with the support they’re getting. We’re talking loyalty and satisfaction here, measured by things like the Net Promoter Score and CSAT.

  • Service quality - Here we measure how well your support team is delivering. This includes tracking how many requests come in, how quickly they respond and how effectively issues are resolved.

  • SLAs - This is about sticking to your promises on how fast you’ll respond and resolve issues, plus any other commitments you've outlined in Jira Service Management.

  • Productivity - The metrics in this category check how efficiently your team is solving problems, considering factors like whether issues get resolved on the first contact and how often users need to follow up for the same issue.

Each of these four lenses complements the others, offering a nuanced but comprehensive picture of service delivery. Customer Satisfaction metrics capture user perceptions and emotional responses, providing insight into the human aspect of service interactions. Service Quality metrics assess the operational effectiveness and identify potential areas for improvement, ensuring services meet user expectations. SLAs highlight adherence to agreed standards and timelines, reinforcing reliability and trust in IT services. Meanwhile, Productivity metrics focus on the efficiency of resolving issues, optimizing resource utilization.

Getting started with experience metrics in Jira Service Management

At Elements, we are passionate about helping teams to connect with their customers (whether their are internal customers or clients of the company) on a level that creates value and delight beyond expectations. To help IT be more customer-centric, we crafted our app Elements Pulse, the central hub for monitoring and improving customer satisfaction in Jira Service Management.

The app features a visual dashboard that gives you a clear, immediate picture of where your IT stands. It digs deep into your Jira data to offer valuable insights into each category of metrics, comes with an integrated survey tool to gather direct feedback from users, and features a module for setting and monitoring your experience goals through XLAs.

Within minutes, it equips you with the tools you need to gain a deep understanding of both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of your service delivery.

Ready to start leveraging these complementary metrics to transform your IT services truly?

Learn more about Elements Pulse >



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