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Announcing Jira Product Discovery pricing



UPDATE ON 16 May 2023: THE INFORMATION ON THIS PAGE IS NOW OUTDATED. The pricing is now live here: 




Update on 21 March 2023: all the details for the creator and contributor roles, as well as the ability to submit ideas, are detailed in this update.


Update on 02 March 2023: we can confirm that contributors will be able to submit ideas - via a form, the chrome extension and chat apps


Hi everyone,

I am delighted to finally share two important pieces of information:


1. Jira Product Discovery will definitely graduate from beta to GA (General Availability). It has become an essential tool already for thousands of customers, Atlassian included, and we are excited to get it into more hands. We don’t have a GA date just yet to share but will email once ready. It will remain free until GA. 

2. The pricing model for Jira Product Discovery is now ready to share.

We wanted to be transparent and share our pricing model with you ASAP as it has been a blocker for many planning their budgets for the year ahead. There are still a few details left to iron out. Where we don’t yet have an answer, we will just say so.

Summary of Jira Product Discovery pricing model

  • Jira Product Discovery (JPD) will initially be available in two plans - Free and Standard

  • We will be introducing two new roles for users: creators and contributors.

  • We will adopt a “per-creator” pricing model, meaning you only pay for the number of users (who we will call creators) that you choose to give creator access to on your Atlassian site

  • The Free plan includes three free creators. To have more than three creators, you will need to upgrade to the Standard Edition

  • The Standard Edition costs $10 per creator, per month.

  • Both plans include free “contributors” who can only Jira Product Discovery in read-only mode with limited options to provide feedback.

  • Jira Product Discovery is only available as a Cloud product, and not on Data Center or Server.

What is the pricing? (US Dollars)



Up to 3 free creators

>3 creators

Unlimited contributors*

Unlimited contributors

$0 per month

$10 per creator, per month**

*We may at some point introduce an upper limit on free contributors.

**Like other Atlassian products, pricing is progressive. For example, if you have more than 25 creators, your per-creator cost will be reduced by 10%. We will share more details on this at GA.

Like other Atlassian products, there will be a difference in what is available per plan that is not specific to the product. For example: storage limits, support tiers, automation limits, and custom permissions.

What is a creator versus a contributor?

For now Jira Product Discovery is still in beta and all users are considered equal. When we graduate to GA, there will be two different user roles - paid creators and free contributors. You will have complete control over who becomes a creator and who becomes a contributor. We will also ensure there is plenty of time for you to make any changes before you are charged.

Creators, typically the product team members running the discovery and prioritization process, can:

  • Create and manage product discovery projects

  • Work in product discovery projects, i.e. create and edit views, ideas, fields and insights

  • Share views and ideas with creators and contributors outside of the project


Contributors, typically stakeholders but also team members who only want to  see what’s next in the roadmap, can only access what is shared with them by creators, in read-only mode with ways to provide feedback, for example add insights, comment and vote - as well as submit ideas via a form, the Chrome extension or Slack apps.





Free edition

Free for up to 3 Creators

Free, unlimited

Standard edition


Free, unlimited

Creator features

Create ideas



Edit ideas (fields, description, delivery tickets)



Change the rank/order of ideas



Create and edit views and sections



Create and edit fields



Share views



Contributor/Stakeholder features

Submit ideas - via a form, Chrome extension, Slack app



Add insights



Add comments



Add reactions






Administration features

Create projects



Manage project access



Manage automation rules



So this is different to Jira Software pricing?

Yes, Jira Software charges all users equally. Jira Product Discovery is more similar to Jira Service Management’s “per-agent” pricing model meaning you only pay for the number of creators who you choose to give access to on your Atlassian site. You can easily change a creator to a contributor or vice versa at any time in Jira. You will need to have an Atlassian account (free or paid) to be either a creator or a contributor.

Why did you choose this pricing model?

We wanted it to be extremely simple and set up for maximum collaboration. We believe product management and product discovery should be a team sport where the best results come when everyone can collaborate freely. 

When is GA? Will we get some warning before being charged?

We don’t have an exact date yet for GA. The product will remain free for all until GA. We will inform all customers via community, emails, and in-product notifications once the date is set in stone. Equally we will give plenty of notice so you know when your first billable month will be, if applicable.

What if I decide I don’t want to become a paid user?

No problem. You can ensure you have three or less creators and remain free or you can choose to delete your site - even though it would make us very sad.

What does it actually mean to move from beta to GA (General Availability)?

It means we will remove all of the beta tags from the product, it will align with the terms and conditions of all other Atlassian products, it will become a paid product, and any customer of any size can purchase and use Jira Product Discovery.

Will there be more features coming? 

Oh yes! We are only getting started. We have an exciting roadmap planned. We look forward to sharing more here soon.

What will happen to my current Jira Product Discovery project?

You don’t need to do anything. You don’t need to start a new site, transfer ideas, etc. We will make all the changes and let you know in plenty of time when any action is needed on your part.

Will this become a part of Jira Software or any other product?

No, we will continue to advance the integration between Jira Product Discovery and Jira Software to make it easy to go from discovery to delivery and back. But Jira Product Discovery will remain a stand-alone product.

Wait, I’m new here - what is Jira Product Discovery?

I’m surprised you read this far! Jira Product Discovery is a dedicated tool for product teams to prioritize, collaborate on, and deliver new product ideas, all within Jira. You can watch a demo here or try it free here.

Thank you and feedback welcome

There have been so many questions around GA date and pricing in the community so I hope this page and information helps as you prep for the months ahead.

I just wanted to take the chance to thank you all for using and supporting Jira Product Discovery. Personally, this is the most fun I have had working on any product so I’m delighted we get to continue the adventure. We will be in touch again re: GA dates, new features, events, and more in the coming months but in the meantime please feel free to leave a comment if I missed anything or you have any questions.

Many thanks,


Marketing Lead, Jira Product Discovery


KB November 17, 2022

Great to see there is progress. I only have 1 issue with the contributor role - they can hardly contribute.

The one thing I would ask for contributors to be able to is use the Chrome Add-in to add insights & ideas.

This would be i.e. the sales team to add insights on ideas in the name of customers. Will this be possible? Otherwise I won't be able to proceed with our POC, as we cannot afford to add every sales rep to be a creator.

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LAL November 17, 2022

Since there is no integration to other Atlassian products we wont be even considering this.

Id rather do a adhoc JIRA board if we have needs like this since integration to other tools is a must.

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Mark S. Rasmussen November 17, 2022

This isn't really ideal for our use case. Smaller org (40 people). We're 2-3 people who actively work in JPD, including creating views, ideas, roadmaps, etc. The rest all have read access and this is what they need in 95% of the usecases. However, there's great value, for us, in ensuring that everybody can create an idea themselves.

Giving people the ability to create ideas means they feel a better sense of involvement, and means we don't have to filter ideas through PM's who may or may not have time to accept the idea at the moment. Instead, we prefer for people to submit their ideas and then for PMs to work those ideas through a workflow.

However, this means we'd be paying $10/month for 40 users, even though only 2-3 use it actively and maybe 5 people submit an idea or two in any single month. It will be hard for me to justify the cost for those mostly-passive users, but at the same time it significantly detracts from the value, if we can't have the whole organization being able to pitch an idea independently from the PMs :/

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Omer Meshar
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November 17, 2022

How about adding a "contributor portal" - similar to the customer portal in service projects - where contributors would be able to create ideas and submit them? This way, they can continue to contribute to the idea backlog, without the ability to do everything that the creators can (manage ideas, views, the JPD project, and so on).

Losing the ability of getting ideas from all contributors would be problematic, and paying for all of them would be impossible.

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Stacy Smith November 17, 2022

Thank you for the transparency. This aligns to the permissions that we've already set up. We are an organization of ~150 who wants everyone to be able to contribute (comments/insights) but only a handful (the product owners) to be able to create/edit. JPD is proving to be a great tool so excited that the pricing model won't "price us out!"

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Dave Nicholson November 17, 2022

Contributors really need to be able to "contribute"...

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Rodolfo Romero - Adaptavist November 17, 2022

We also would need contributors to be able to add ideas and using the concept of the portal to submit ideas would be a great way to do this.

On another note, some of our clients are using JPD in a separate site as POC and they would like to to migrate JPD into their "Production" site. Is this possible at the moment?

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Mateusz Nowak
I'm New Here
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November 17, 2022

Great news for tiny companies - we can fully work on discovery ideas with 3 people (Prod. M, and two others like UX designer etc.) and be able to show our work to others.

However you should still consider, some options to share a roadmap to non-Attlasian users, external people outside of company. For instance only view mode. This could possibly stay with Attlasian tool only, and not run away to 3rd party tools for roadmapping.

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David Nadri November 17, 2022

@John McKiernan @Tanguy Crusson - thanks to your and your team for all your efforts!

If feedback is still welcome on this, I would agree with a lot of the feedback already shared - at a minimum at at least: allow contributors to add ideas and insights, in addition to just commenting and voting. 

Also, there are a lot actions that can be taken on an Idea; could you please provide a bullet-pointed list of things a Contributors can do (i.e. buttons/fields that can be clicked/changed in an Idea view?).

Many of them will be passive users and not really needed as a Creator. So it would be nice to at least allow ideas to be added directly within the JPD project and from the integrations (Teams, Chrome). 

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Mark S. Rasmussen November 17, 2022

Thinking further and adding onto what others are suggesting, contributors really need to be able to add ideas and insights - the core of contributing.

I'm perfectly fine with only allowing creators to edit fields besides title and description. Basically, allow contributors to view most everything, and add ideas limited to title/description, add comments and insights. Everything else creator-only. This would force our creators to handle the ideas manually, incentivizing us to buy creator seats for more than the bare minimum.

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Sam.Youssif November 17, 2022

Great news and we're very excited. Thank you!!!

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Dan Hoban November 17, 2022

100% agree for the need for all users to be able to create ideas in some fashion.  This is a massive dealbreaker.  The line needs to be managing the idea once it has been created.

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brent.johnson November 17, 2022

Thanks for the insights. With our use case, this seems reasonable and is in line with other Atlassian products.

I think more clarity on the contributor "...with ways to provide feedback, for example, comment and vote." would be nice but this is what I was expecting (similar to Jira Service Management).

Stepping back - it appears a lot of the comments seem to be around idea generation and/or collaboration on ideas and how this would be limited if they were only a contributor. We've solved one of those two pain points by using Jira Service Management instead of Jira Product Discovery for feedback/idea generation. However, I would much prefer an idea creation tool to be closer to, or a part of, Jira Product Discovery (like a Jira Service Management lite for Jira Product Discovery). But based on how I've seen Jira Product Discovery evolve from the start, I'm confident you're already thinking about these things!

Keep up the good work!

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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November 17, 2022

This is a GREAT news!

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John McKiernan
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 18, 2022

Hi all, 

thanks for all the comments, feedback, and questions.

We wanted to be transparent and share the pricing model with you as soon as possible even though there are a few things still to work through. We will continue on that path here, answer what we know, and listen closely to your feedback.

Firstly, to clarify - the product team will be able to share their roadmap with contributors for free - and these contributors can comment, vote, and add insights (all they need is a free Atlassian account).

Encouraging total collaboration is important and we want contributors to be able to channel feedback to the product team without friction. We're actively discussing how exactly this will work and will take all of your feedback on board here.

Thanks again for the feedback and patience as we work on this. Enjoy your weekends!



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John McKiernan
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 18, 2022


JPD does integrate with most Atlassian products (Atlas, Jira Software for delivery, Jira Software for delivery, Jira Service Management for insights creation, and Confluence (create a JPD issue from Confluence and see ideas and view on a Confluence page). That said, we are actively adding and improving here - though noting for Cloud only, in case you are on Server.

Hope that helps,


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Sean Bridgeman November 21, 2022

I think the pricing is fair and I appreciate the transparency. Is a creator the same thing as Member today within the current Access option in settings? 

Also, I am assuming that there is no additional charge for admin setup? I.e. I can have 3 creators and all three can be admins, correct? 

John Funk
Community Leader
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November 21, 2022

Hey @John McKiernan  - Thanks for posting! Can we create the Creators now? Or do we need to wait until GA? If and now, what is that process?  And how is someone labeled a Contributor? Are all of those just Project Roles? 

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Jeff OBrien November 21, 2022

The Creator & Contributor pricing model aligns well with my organization's needs and goals for product collaboration. I am really excited to see Product Discovery move toward GA. Thank you for this update!

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Seth Mason November 21, 2022

Our current usage model has a small team of PMs that create views, prioritize etc, the bulk of the work in JPD.  However, most of our ideas come from non-PMs (sales, engineering, support).  These non-PMs need to be able to create an idea, add an insight, modify a field (e.g. Component, Customer) and add comments on the idea.  Having to license these large organizations would be cost prohibitive.

I would rather see a model where you have a role that can perform administrative tasks (create views, create fields, etc) and then one that can create ideas and set the value of an existing field (e.g. Customer).

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Diluk De Silva November 21, 2022

Great news and support a lot of the comments here. 

Given the main difference between Free and Standard is driven by the number of creators, Is there a option to pay for only the additional number of creators beyond the free tier allocation of 3 ... i.e if 7 creators are required, then pay for additional 4 over the free tier which would help small teams adopt the tool.

John McKiernan
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 22, 2022

Hey @John Funk

Hope you are keeping well! No you can't change the roles to creators or contributors just yet. We will let you know how to do this closer to the time and give plenty of time to make the changes. 

John McKiernan
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 22, 2022

Hey @Diluk De Silva

We have tried to set it up to enable small teams as much as possible but it will follow the same model as the free tiers on other Atlassian products. So first 3 creators are free but if you had 7 creators as per your example, it would be inclusive of all 7 so $70 per month. Keep in mind again that you can have plenty of contributors. 

Tanguy Crusson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 22, 2022

@Sean Bridgeman 


> Is a creator the same thing as Member today within the current Access option in settings? 

Yes, Member or Admin. A contributor would be the same as a "Viewer"

> Also, I am assuming that there is no additional charge for admin setup? I.e. I can have 3 creators and all three can be admins, correct? 

That is correct 👍

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John Funk
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
November 22, 2022

Thanks @John McKiernan  as always!!

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