JIRA backlog needs a lock button to prevent accidental re-arranging of tasks

Stuart Longland August 30, 2016

As a user of JIRA's software,
I would like a lock button (defaults to on) that prevents issues from being re-organised
So that I don't accidentally move issues around when scrolling on a touchscreen device.

Basically, JIRA is nigh on impossible to interact with using a "pocketable" mobile device.  (In my case, ZTE T83 with the Firefox web browser.)  Not only does the UI need lots of screen real-estate (a problem even on many laptops with 1366×768 pixel screens), but in the backlog, the (small!) elements respond to dragging events almost instantly.

This is exacerbated by having minimal space to stick ones finger that isn't a task entry.  The end result being when tapping on tasks or attempting to scroll, the task is often moved to a wildly different position.  Add some lag, and you've got a recipe for making a right dog's breakfast of the carefully curated ordering of tasks.

The tasks should be *fixed* in their position, unless the user explicitly tells JIRA that they wish to alter positions, indicated by a padlock icon or similar, at which point the old behaviour should be restored allowing re-arrangement of tasks.  The same UI element should also make it possible to re-enable the lock.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 31, 2016

I quite like the idea of a lock for this case.  I'd raise it over at https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSW 

Also, Atlassian has had a bit of a frenzy about mobile since the last summit and have put together teams to try to improve the experience across the platform.  I think they'd find this quite interesting, as it explains the pain you're having very clearly.

Stuart Longland August 31, 2016

I appreciate the link, this seemed to be the only obvious place to raise an issue.  That said, I get told "This project isn't available", so if the link worked in the past, it doesn't any more.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 31, 2016

Bother.  They re-keyed the project from GH to JSW (which makes sense).  I'd put in the url as GH before, then corrected it when I remembered, but only corrected the display name!   Try the link again...  Sorry about that.

Stuart Longland August 31, 2016

Ahh, that explains what happened.  The updated link worked and the issue is now reported here: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSW-14781

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