Get customfieldvalue from an issue which is linked but in a other project

Tobias Plankl January 23, 2020

Hey guys,

can you help me by the creation of an automation? I have to Projects CC a Kanban-Board and Support a Jira Service Desk. I created an automation "Create Kanban Ticket" without using any addon.

The automation "Create Kanban Ticket" is triggered if an issue in Support is moved from status A to B. It creates a new Issue in the Project CC and link it to the issue in the project Support.

Now I created an customfield errormessage. I added a mask to the workflow in Projcet CC so the user is forced to add this errormessage.

Furthermore i added a second automation which is triggered if the linked issue in Project CC is moved to the Done status. This triggers the automation, that the issue in Support is closed automatically. 

But now i want to edit a automation wich copy the value of the errormessage in the linked issue from project CC to the Support issue.


How can i do this? I bought yeseterday the addon jira automation. So i can use this addon for my soulution.

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Olga Videc
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January 23, 2020

Hello @Tobias Plankl 

If I got this right, you should do this 

When you edit the linked issue field you can switch from value to copy from and there you can select copy from the issue that triggered this action.

You should create your rule as a global rule and then limit it to desired projects.

To create global rules 

Go to Jira Administration -> system -> automation for Jira there you can view and edit all rules 

automation cf.PNGautomation cf copy from.PNG

Tobias Plankl January 23, 2020

Thank you very much. It works =)

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