Updating status with a CSV file

Carlos Bocanegra
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November 14, 2016

I'm trying to update the status of my issues using a cvs file, but when mapping I can't find "status" on the dropdown menu, is there anything that I or my project manager should be doing before? 

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Sam Hall
Rising Star
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November 14, 2016

Hi Carlos,

Confusingly, there are actually two methods of importing csv data into JIRA.

  • Method One: The "Import issues from CSV" option under "Issues" in the top-menu.

    This is available to all users and is designed for bulk issue creation. Because of this, Atlassian have limited some of the options available here. Mapping/importing Status is one of this things they don't allow here, all issues created via this method just go to the first status in the issue's workflow.
  • Method Two: Pick 'CSV' from Administration > System > External System Import

    This one is available to admin users only, but is more flexible (it's designed for general migration/import). The one does allow you to map/import Status.

I'm guessing you're not able to map status because you are using method one?

Another option to update issue statuses in bulk is to use JIRA's 'Bulk Change' function:


There's some help from Atlassian here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirasoftwarecloud/editing-multiple-issues-at-the-same-time-776997757.html

  How to transition multiple issues

  1. Perform a search with the required filters to produce a list of issues.
  2. Select Tools > Bulk Change.
  3. Select the issues you'd like to perform the bulk operation on, and select Next.
  4. Select Transition Issues, and select Next.
  5. Select the available workflow action. The actions available are dependent on the issues (and their associated workflows) that you have selected. Select Next.
  6. Select a value for any required fields for this transition, and if available, decide whether you'd like to send email notifications. Select Next.
  7. Review your bulk operation, and select Confirm when you are happy with the operation.

I hope this helps.


Sam Hall
Rising Star
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November 15, 2016

Hi Carlos,

No problem. If my answers were helpful, please consider upvoting or accepting one.

Here is a screen shot of where to find the administration menu. You need to be JIRA admin to see this, though:



Sam Hall
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November 15, 2016

If you have JIRA admin access, when you click 'System', you'll be taken to a screen like this, where you can get to the External System Import function:



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Carlos Bocanegra
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November 15, 2016

Thank you Sam,


This works, thank you!!


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Sam Hall
Rising Star
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November 15, 2016

CSV import can be be used to update issue status, if you:

  • include a column with the issue key(s) you want to update in your CSV
  • import it via Administration > System > External System Import (admin rights needed).
  • map the key in your CSV to the 'Issue Key' JIRA field.

JIRA will recognise this, and update existing issues matching the Issue Key from the CSV file.



rachelcarmena November 16, 2016

Hi Sam!

Thank you very much for helping me and correcting my mistake. I've deleted my misunderstanding comment.

Do you know what happens with states? I suppose transitions are not executed, aren't they? And only a change of value is executed.

Best regards and thanks!

Sam Hall
Rising Star
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November 16, 2016

Yep, it just changes the value. It's a good question, because you do have to be a cautious of difficulties related to this.

For example: if you use CSV update to change to a status that would normally set a resolution on the issue, it might not work as expected. Status would be updated, but resolution would not be set.


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rachelcarmena November 16, 2016

Thank you very much Sam! You're lovely!

Dan Brewerton August 7, 2020

Hello Sam, I'm also trying to do something like this. We have a Key ID field set in each issue opened in Jira. I tried setting that as the mapped field. However, instead of updating, it creates a new delta which is duplicated. Can you offer guidance as to what's wrong?

Chris Deutschmann
August 11, 2020

@Dan Brewerton  - I was also struggling with this.  It has to be done from Settings > System > External System Import > CSV 

Then you will have the option to map to IssueKey which is under the Issue Fields.

Dan Brewerton August 12, 2020

From my research, that is a Administrator level function. 

"Under JIRA Administration > System. Under IMPORT & EXPORT > External System Import select Import from Comma-separated Values (CSV). This wizard includes the 'Issue Key' in the field selection [drop down]."


Key issue would be the unique field you want to key off of to ensure the issue exists. But it must be some numeric value that is unique that exists also in the CSV. In our case, we have a SysID field that exists in the csv as well as in Jira.

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Sharon Meyler May 3, 2018

Hi Sam,

I am doing a similar exercise here, and I can update the "date created" field okay, but it won't update the "date resolved" for me. Any ideas?

(I'm trying to add some historical info to Jira for metrics.)


Dan Brewerton August 7, 2020

Hello Sam, I'm also trying to use a field in my CSV file to help Jira determine if it needs to add or update. I presume this is how we do it. The problem is even with the field mapped, it creates a new issue with duplicated information. What am I doing wrong?mapped_field_value.jpg

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