I have a list of customers that i can add them to create requests via JIRA Service Desk . But i do not get an option to remove any . Could you please assist ?
Here's a way I found (we are using Jira Service Desk Cloud):
Put your mouse on the customer's description in the Customers view of JIRA Service Desk.
Wait for the popup to appear, go to the More menu on the right and select Administer User.
The URL that you're redirect to is : https://xxx.atlassian.net/admin/users/view?username=(email)
There you'll be able to delete the user.
Thank you for this answer! It was driving me crazy as a developer used a company wide DL for his email.
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This is not as obvious as you would think it would be. Thanks for this!
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Nope, that seems to be for a user, not for a customer. At least I get a message saying, that the user does not exit.
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Another way to reach the same page is to simply go to
Administration | Jira Service Desk | Portal only customer
Here you can search for the user, open its profile and do a number of operations, including deactivating or deleting its account.
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Your response is for user, but i need for customers. i have emails of customers i i want to delete
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Ive created some costumers to test something. but now i need to remove them and I cant. can someone help me? Ive created some fictitional emails.
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Hi @Bruno Vieira ,
To remove the customers from your project, you can navigate to Project Settings > People. You will find the customers listed in the Service Desk Customer role. There's an (x) button to remove them.
To remove from your site entirely, you can navigate to the User Management as mentioned above
Look for Jira Service Desk in the left menu and the users will appear in that list.
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Does not work for me - I have many jira users in Customers list, but they are not listed in People. Also I cannot remove them from Jira because they are involved in many projects.
Is there a way to remove people from customers without deleting their profiles?
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Hi @Sergei Gridnevskii ,
Is your project restricted to customers added to the project or does it allow anyone?
If it allows anyone, it is expected to display "everyone who is not an agent" on your site.
If it is restricted to customers added to the project, do those customers belong to an organization and is that organization added to the project? If so, they are gaining access to the project via the organization and not individually.
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It is restricted to customers and customers are licensed Jira Software users. They are not part of any organization.
I found a solution two pages below that I need to edit permission scheme for the project and remove several groups from Create permission. I will try to do that now.
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That makes sense. Since they have access to the project via project permissions, they are able to browse and raise tickets hence displayed in the customer list
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This did not help to remove jira users from customers, but at least these users are not able to create new service desk requests using portal.
Still one has to fill the form and click Submit before he gets a message that he cannot create. I would prefer that the message is showed instead of the form as long as customer with no permission to create tries to do that on portal.
Also I cannot remove Browse permission because users may be involved in working on issues.
I always told my managers that with Jira you should not restrict users but rather instruct them, anyway everything is logged. But bosses prefer to restrict rather than watch over.
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Its not work for me too. Iam usins Jira +SD +confluence in cloud. I cant delete customers tahat ive beeen created for tests.
I cant undestand Why so complicated to admin Jira sofwtrares. It conflitcs with the basic of Scrum that is simplicity.
change your name from Atlassian to Assassian. You asssasins the basic of fucionality.
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@Bruno Vieiracan't agree more.
Why on earth I can't delete a customer from a projet ?
We have sadly lose some customer now I want them removed from my projet.
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After a couple of experiments I think I got the answer. If your customer has a jira license and you cannot delete him - this means that he has one of permissions in Permissions scheme for this project. It may be browse project or create issues - no matter what, if he can do something with service desk ticket - he will be in the list of customers and you will not be able to remove him directly from customer's page. Even if he is not mentioned in this scheme but a group he is in is mentioned.
However if you switch to roles for this project and add specific people to roles and then remove all permissions for individual users and groups and leave only roles - this person will be deleted from customers page.
Generally three roles are required: Service Desk Team (for agents and other Jira users), customers and admins. All others are optional.
I switched to role based permissions for my service desk project and now my customers page is as good as it is - only guys I added there are present.
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@Sergei Gridnevskiithank for the tip but It look like a workaround not a solution.
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@Fabien Potiquet yes, you are right. If this is true (Jira shows all who can view service desk tickets in Customer's list) then this is not intuitive and should be described in documentation. But at least I know now how to control who is in the list and who is not.
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Not sure if this is a new feature, but i never noticed it until today:
Go to your site Admin page at https://admin.atlassian.com
and notice the Jira Service Desk button:
On that page you have full control over the users
kind regards
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I face the same issue.
There are accounts shown under the 'Customers' page that are not within the 'People' page for the project.
It is not possible to remove these users from the 'Customers' page, without completely removing the user from the system.
Please advise.
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Facing same issue - please respond!
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I'm suspecting that those users belong to organizations. Since they were added to the project via being added to the organization, you can only remove them from the project by removing them from an organization. See https://confluence.atlassian.com/servicedeskcloud/setting-up-service-desk-users-732528877.html?_ga=2.261384207.368583193.1547425851-413787406.1501390305#Settingupservicedeskusers-Removecustomersfromanorganization
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If a customer has been granted a "Single User" permission in one of your project permissions (schemes) they cannot be removed from the "Customers" list (for example, Permission = "Browse Projects -->Single User--> <user name>", you must remove this permission to enable their removal from within the service desk project view; "Customers". I had this issue and followed Sergei's guidance from November 26, 2019. Fixed my problem.
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None of the options are working!
I dont want to delete or deactivate user.
The user is assigned as customer to multiple projects. I want to remove the user from 1 project, while the user should be active and able to access other projects.
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Hi there,
Is the user added to an organization or by themselves into the project? If they are added into an organization, remove them from the organization. If they are added directly, remove them from the People section of the project. See [https://confluence.atlassian.com/servicedeskcloud/setting-up-service-desk-users-732528877.html#Settingupservicedeskusers-Removecustomersfromaproject|https://confluence.atlassian.com/servicedeskcloud/setting-up-service-desk-users-732528877.html#Settingupservicedeskusers-Removecustomersfromaproject]
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Like others have said, I have two users in my customers screen (not in an organization) that are not listed at all in my People section of project settings.
It seems there is no way to remove these two people as customers.
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@Elisa Diel [Atlassian] Hi Elisa. Sorry to interrupt you again with the same request but i didn't quite understand your response. I have setup some users in the test phase, which has now finished and i want to take the Portal "live" now. Beforehand i have deleted all support requests that i made during the test. So there are no requests inside my SreviceDesk portal.
I have selected the option that only users which are setup by JIRA Admins (me) may login and raise requests. I would like to "clean up" the current costumer list. How can i delete them?
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this worked just fine, once you head to admin.atlassian.com, click on "Manage users" then on the left hand pane, select "Jira Service Desk" From there you can delete as you wish. Worked for me. Thanks @Jeroen Min it works!
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Hi everybody,
How to do this but I do not want to delete the user, just remove the access they have as a customer?
I am a bit disappointed with the UI and how much they charge you with a very unfriendly user interface.
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In the People section of your project, search the user you want to remove from the project (not from Jira entirely) and remove them. This removes them from the project only. See https://confluence.atlassian.com/servicedeskcloud/setting-up-service-desk-users-732528877.html#Settingupservicedeskusers-Removecustomersfromaproject
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on the page of the screenshot, go to Settings (last option on the left menu) > People. You can remove the users there.
The step-by-step is outlined at https://confluence.atlassian.com/servicedeskcloud/setting-up-service-desk-users-732528877.html?_ga=2.22003003.1277652459.1529305058-413787406.1501390305#Settingupservicedeskusers-Removecustomersfromaproject as mentioned in my previous reply.
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Hi Nabil,
When I follow the step-by-step outline, I saw discrepancy in the people because they are different from my first screenshot. Refer to my attachment
Waiting for your feedback
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the People section, there is a search box and role dropdown. Can I know if you have filtered the user you wanted to remove?
The People section shows all users for the project including customer unless they belong to an organization and was added to the project from organization. If that's the case, they would need to be removed from the organization in the Customer list.
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Hi Rajdeep,
This can be a little tricky. You won't be able to delete a customer if s/he has already created content on JIRA Service Desk. Though, if this user is there and has never used JSD, you will be able to delete her/him via Cog Icon > User Management.
Please let us know if this helps you.
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Hi there,
Seems like we're still running into this hiccup. Is it really the case that I cannot remove the customer "Example Customer" that Atlassian creates and sends tickets for? I cannot even edit them to "zzzzzExample" to move them out of sight? Is it the "accepted answer" to move Example Customer to "zzzzzFakeOrg" organization to hide them?
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I was able to resolve this by doing both of the following
1. Go to project settings > Customer Permissions
2. Change the portal access setting so that the following is selected:
'Customers my team adds to the project'
1. Project Settings > Permissions
2. Remove Jira Software Product Access from the Browse Issues Permission
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Thx, Scott. But still - after re-instating permissions, users are back. Bad :(
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Found the answer: You need to be Global admin in cloud:
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Finally found a fix for this!
Portal only customers are now gone!
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This does not seem to work for me. Where the only remove option is: remove from organisation.
So when i remove the customer from the organisation, and i restore the setting to Anyone can raise a request in this service desk the temp-customers are back.
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Doesn't work for me either. After selecting 'Customers my team adds to the project' the customers that I want to delete simply disappear from the list. i.e. There are no delete options available as the customers have now disappeared.
When I change it back to 'Anyone can raise a request in this service desk' the customers are back and I still can't delete them.
This issue goes back to 2015?
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Same here, does not work. Very annoying when you're dealing with customers that later on become employees or in a cultural environment with a bunch of VERY popular names... Please fix this, Atlassian!!!
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I did find that if I had a user assigned to the project role of Service Desk Team, and this user was not a licensed Service Desk agent, their name appeared on the Customers page. Same thing was true if I had someone as an Administrator who was not a licensed agent.
Removing an unlicensed agent from the role of Admin or SD Tesam also removed them form the Customers list.
Likewise, removing someone who is an agent and is in the Service Desk Team project roll from the jira-servicedesk group in the overall JIRA user management, would make them appear in the Customers list.
I know a lot of this thread speaks to variations of removing customers from service desk, but I thought this info might be useful.
Note that this is for JIRA server, not sure if cloud works the same way.
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Thank you for the instructions on removing a customer. I thought it was enough, but thiscustomer has called me 3x today to completely remove his Service Desk accessibility. I was able to remove from "People" but his email is still showing under "Customers". I also deleted his ticket.
Does he still technically have an account? He said he did not create a password.
Thank you in advance.
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that also happen to me too and I have hard time finding solution
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Hi Colleen,
If your JSD project allows everyone with an account access, it will list the user as a customer as the user exists in Jira. You can completely remove the user from User Management to remove the user entirely.
See permission overview at Set up customer permissions
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I found a way to remove the Customers from the JIRA Service Desk customers list.
Problem was that I have never added them in first place and was wondering what's going on and how these are displayed there.
Solution is...Permission scheme for the project itself. Inside the permission scheme, I have added a specific group, which holds 40-50 people, so these 40-50 people were added automatically in Customers menu in JIRA Service Desk project.
I have removed this group from the permission scheme and the Customers menu is now empty. If you want to add customers, you can do it via the People menu in the project settings. Just add people or groups there and they will be also visible in Customers menu.
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@Gancho Stoykov could you please give more details? I removed several users from Create permission for the project but they are still in Customers list.
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Hey @Sergei Gridnevskii , check the following:
1. Administration -> User Management -> JIRA Service Desk. This is the menu for Portal only access customers. You can remove the customer from there if the customer is not having jira user account but still has access to the service desk portal.
2. Project -> Settings -> People. Remove the user accounts that you don't need from there if listed.
3. Project -> Settings -> Permission schemes. Take a look at the groups or users that are listed under the Create issue permission.
Hope this helps.
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1. It works if customer needs to have access only to one Service Desk project, but we have a dozen.
2. No one is in People for this project.
3. I removed Create issue permission for most Customers, but they are still listed on Customers page of the project and can view Request creation form (however when they click Create a message is shown saying you cannot create)
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When you reach the "administer user" URL using my procedure above
there's a "Deactivate" button. I think that's what you're looking for
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Hi everybody,
I have set that anyone can sign up for JIRA service desk.
Now I want to clean out the ones that do not need an account and fix the setting for signing up.
How can I delete now the not wanted customers?
with kind regards
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@HL Arledge, you can remove them through Cog Icon > User Management.
Look for Resticted Portal. Your customers will be listed there.
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This is unacceptable. How do you delete customers today?
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Thanks Elisa .
I believe i have the information required for now .
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