Create a CR using Jira forms for all users in my organization without giving full access

NandaKumar Subash
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June 16, 2024

Hi, we are currently managing Change Request process by asking the stakeholders to Submit  a word document, and we are creating a Jira ticket manually. We are planning to streamline this process using a Jira Form, by asking the stakeholders to complete a Jira form, which should create a Jira ticket in our Project Board.

I have managed to create the form and linked to the Jira fields to create a ticket. However, all the stakeholders will not have access to our Jira board. How to allow the users to access the form to create a ticket (Issue Type : Change Request), without providing complete accesses to create/view/edit other Issue Types , and edit the Change Request issue type ? (In short, I wanted the users just to submit the form to create Change Request ticket without any other accesses).



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