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What's your favourite automations?

Tom Whittle March 16, 2023

Hello fellow Atlassian community members,

I would like to start off saying nice to e-meet you. I am trying to drum up some ideas for automations to make our Jira Cloud users lives a bit easier. Hence I am asking the community to provide their favourite ideas (can be theoretical / something that you have implemented) for automations.

This can be related to any type of Jira project (e.g. JSM, Software, Work Management etc).

I'll start off with mine to get your creative juices flowing (if they aren't already).

In our JSM project for IT Service we use web request actions to enable automatic support requests, e.g. a request comes in and we send it to the users manager and then the relevant team for approval. But then once approved by whoever is required it is sent off to the relevant system for example assigning groups in AAD.

Any and all input is appreciated, many thanks in advance.


Dan Breyen
Rising Star
Rising Star
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March 16, 2023

Atlassian Support just finished helping with a pretty cool automation.  When a JSM request gets created, the automation is using an API call to get the organizations that the customer (reporter) is assigned to.  Then it loads that information into the JSM ticket.

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Karyna Tyrnavska _SaaSJet
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
March 17, 2023

Hi, @Tom Whittle !

My team uses automation for different aims, so we wrote articles about our experience

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