Cloud migration resources roundup: April 2021

Hi! It's Elizabeth, back with the latest and greatest cloud migration resources. 

This update (as well as our roundups from February and March) are part of our team's oncoming efforts to create and deliver resources in a way that's most helpful to migrating customers. So, here's a roundup of the latest resources as well as the all-time classics all migrators should know about.

If I could only highlight one, it'd be this: don't miss the new cloud migrations demo that launched in March! You can register for one of the bi-weekly live sessions (that include live Q&A) or you can watch on-demand. We walk through the most important migration tasks with guidance on how to tackle them. We also post the top questions from each session in Community.

If you have any feedback on the format of these updates or the tools and resources we're creating, please let us know in the comments below.

Happy migrating!


Here’s what’s new:

And don’t forget about the tried and true!



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Sri Kumar
Rising Star
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April 7, 2021

Thank you @Elizabeth Howden  for this great Round-up 

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Fabian A. Lopez (Community Leader - Argentina, Florida, California)
Community Leader
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April 16, 2021

Great Article = Great experience = Great Service


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Alex Fox
April 28, 2021

Excellent resources, thanks!

AUG Leaders

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