Cloud migration resources roundup: March 2021

Hi! Elizabeth here, I’m back with the latest cloud migration resources. Here's the February roundup, in case you missed it. 

Our team is always working to find the best way to create and deliver resources that would be helpful to customers who are exploring cloud or who are in the midst of migrating. As part of that, I'll be posting regular updates in Community that list new assets we've created and a few of our cloud migration "greatest hits." 

Speaking of great... Registration for Team 2021 is live, so be sure and register now. The team's got some awesome content planned, especially in the "Journey to cloud" track. 

If you have any feedback on the format of these updates or the tools and resources we're creating, please let us know in the comments below.

Happy migrating!


Happy March! Here’s what’s new:

  • New cloud migrations demo - launching March 10th! We put together a step by step walkthrough of cloud migrations, complete with a deep dive on choosing your migration strategy and a demo of the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant. You can watch the demo on-demand or register for a session with live Q&A. 
  • Which Atlassian Cloud plan is right for you? - a new blog highlighting the differences in cloud plans with a quiz to help you decide which plan is best for you. 

  • Join one of our 6 early access programs for migration tooling- we're launching 6 (!!!) early access programs for migration tooling: Jira Software app migrations, Confluence app migrations, Advanced Roadmaps, Jira Software cloud to cloud, Jira Service Management, and Bitbucket Cloud Migration Assistant. You can sign up for one of these programs via this link.

And don’t forget about the tried and true!



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