Created Jul 13, 2022, Last active today
I was working on script for a Custom Listener (using Jira 7.3 and ScriptRunner 4.3) and noticed that following piece of code works: import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor def issue...
Hi - Currently I'm using a script post-function to add some specific users as Request Participants to a specific type of issue. I'd like to switch that over to use an organization. I ...
I am trying to create a post function that will update the priority field based on the value of a custom field. This is based on an example script from Atlassian Answers, I have included below for re...
We have written a groovy script to show the specific issue key and summary on the one of our transition screen, now we want to show it with the link to specific issue. can we do it ?
My intent is to start a question with a smaller more specific group. If no answer comes from the watchers of the initial topic(s), then I'd like to open it up to a larger audience by later adding add...
We are considering of starting a Community alongside our Confluence-based documentation, and after reading the recent reviews of Questions for Confluence, I am not sure that this is the right tool fo...
If I try to add a new tag to a question a colleague has created, this first seem to work, but after saving an error message is displayed briefly: "Access denied". How to allow this? We all w...
This link doesn't work anymore and I can't access any of the issues I'm watching in this project! image2017-3-2 17:7:34.png
After migrating to JIRA 7, from JIRA 6.4.3, the send email script listener does not work anymore. The error in the logs is: Script error: cannot cast object 'user' with class with class 'com....
I am using the following code getFieldById("customfield_11111").setFormValue("<p>Hello<p>") to get the custom field with id "11111" to show "Hello" by using a Behaviour ...
Essentially the query is about effectiveness. Is there any way to know how many times someone has clicked on the question? Very few people will bother to click the up arrow to indicate "t...
Hi, We'd like to have a similar page set up like using Confluence Questions. The requirements are: separate domain from Confluence (eg. while Confluence is wi...
Hi, Currently experiencing issues when users attempt to answer questions in QfC (Cloud version) - field displays infinite loading (screen shot below): image2016-12-8 10:27:22.png System was workin...
Hi, For some reason (potential workaround for issue described here ) I would like to be able to change the "Time Logged" field. I have been able to change the "Time Logged" field only via the Mutab...
Hi, I have written the following code to change the "Original Value" field. IssueManager issueManager = ComponentAccessor.getIssueManager() MutableIssue issue = issueManager.getIssueObject("TASKTES...
I have placed the following code in the Create post-function after the "Issue Created" event is fired: def IssueService issueService = ComponentAccessor.getIssueService() def user = Componen...
Although I setup anonymous to be able to see questions, They are not able to access the link like this. - It will redirect to login page no matter what I do. Also I tried...
Is it possible to buy a licence for private atlassian-answers-like (stackoverflow-like) service ?
Hi, can the Script Fragments functionality in ScriptRunner be used to hide the "Add flag" & "Remove Flag" options on Agile boards for 1 project? image2016-9-27 16:43:55.png I've us...
...ialog2-medium" aria-hidden="true"> <header class="aui-dialog2-header"> <h2 class="aui-dialog2-header-main">Some dialog</h2&g...
Hello, is it possible to include the form for questions in a particular page within the same space? So users can submit the question from the space mainpage as example without a need t...
We do not want to allow users to 'ask a question' in spaces...only globally. I globally removed the 'Ask question in space' dropdown (by hiding it via the stylesheet) and the 'Ask a question' option ...
The last version of Questions was released in January of 2016. And no any news since that time. Is it dead? There're so many shortcomings in the product and if it's not being developed any more we ...
This may sound like a silly question but our business wants to limit the number of topics assigned to a question to a maximum of 3. Is this possible? ie in a similar manner that is d...
Hello all - We had a consultant some years ago write a few ScriptRunner transition validators, and after updating JIRA to 7.1.7 they no longer work. Unfortunately there was little to no documentatio...
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