Created Jul 13, 2022, Last active today
Hi...I have been reading that this is a limitation in scriptrunner that script fields are not displayed neither in edit nor create screens but I have also read that there are some workarounds but I h...
...pportunity issue) field equals to "SF Oppty ID" (from different issue types) field value, then if the rule is true our script copies fields values to all depended issue types - works perfect. We also h...
I made a field autoAssignee; just regular text field which populates a value based on some values. This is working fine, except when in status "New". The field takes the value for the next status, wh... This is my plugin for jira
I have a CheckBoxes Custom Field available in Issue and associated SubTask. When a Subtask in Done I would like to copy the values selected in the Subtask to the parent Issue. If the Parent Issue h...
...emplate) 2) Created a 'Fires an event when condition is true' for the Issue Created event with condition 'Integrations' in cfValues['Scrum Team']*.value and event 'Integrations at Creation' q...
Hi I've tried several different date-formats in the following filter with no luck. Any advise? issueFunction in expression("resolution = Unresolved", "today+remainingestimate > 2017-05-01") &n...
I got this in the audit log, even though the issue is successfully created What does it mean? How do I find what field is causing the error? Action details: CREATE ISSUE Unknown fields set during...
Hello, Here is my scenario: When creating an issue A, I use the "Clone an issue and links" post function on the creation transition. This creates a clone issue, issue B, on which I make some opera...
I'm trying to set the "Original Estimate" field based on the value of a custom field (Select List (single choice)). I don't know why it won't set the value. Setting another field "Description" works...
Problem : Even after successfull Installation of Zephyr plugin in Jira Cloud I dont see the "Test" issue type Cause/Fix : Mentioned in our knowledge base articles below https://support.getz...
I am trying to query all issues that are contained in all 5er and 6er versions of our product by using the versionMatch function supplied by Scriptrunner. However the following regular expression do...
An atlas-created Confluence plugin for version 5.10.8 of Confluence has dependencies for Spring that are very much earlier than the actual install-provided versions. For example, only version 2...
Using: Jira Server 7.3.4 I want the Description field to be Read Only for Group "CTE" when the status is "Pending". I was able to make the field Read Only when I clicked on the transition button, bu...
Hello! This discussion is for Seguira Test Automation for JIRA. Please feel free to ask any questions, provide feedback, or report bugs here. Thanks, Shashank
...{ setFormValue( setReadOnly(true) } } However, it is not working as expected (all issue types are available when I create a subtask of "Sample") Can someone p...
First of all thanks Andreas for such nice plugin. After some hours of trying I made working using Script Runner for getting a metadata ("mykey") from given project ("RISK") Just want to share it wi...
As a javascript newb I am really enjoying atlasboard and have learned a lot from the atlassian submodule. I've used the bamboo.js lib as a model for bitbucket, jira, and artifactory RESTful cli...
Using Scriptrunner script fragments, I have a dialog2 being displayed from a web item in the sidebar. I have a js web resource for binding actions to the various elements on dialog. I c...
Hi, can I check within a custom script postfunction (directly after create) if an issue is a clone or not?
Hi, we have below Resolved By script filed code. import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor; import com.atlassian.jira.user.util.UserManager; def historyManager = ComponentAccess...
I have developed a couple different conditions and custom hooks for ScriptRunner. Is it possible to "install" these so that other users can select them. For example for the Post Receive Email h...
I'm tryign to hide the Issues menu using Scriptrunners script fragments function. I can't figure out which element I would nide. I found an element that hides all the navigation menus, is it possible...
Hi, I want to create a scripted field in scriptrunner that calculates time in status (like Jira suite utilities) in certain conditions. Is the best way to create some custom fields that popul...
Hi, In a workflow post function I'm using Scriptrunner "Set security level to ...". Works fine under the conditions that the user has the right to set security level and the project has the rig...
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