That's right, today we're announcing not just a new badge but a whole new badge series! This one for Answers Posted.
But don't we already have badges for answers, Mo? you might be asking. We do have a badge series for providing Accepted Solutions, but this series is for providing answers in general.
Along with our Answerer badge and our Atlassian Answerers group, this is another initiative to encourage folks to step up and answer questions! And of course we still have our high fives, Rising Star, and Accepted Solutions badges to encourage quality answers.
New to answering questions? Definitely join the Atlassian Answerers group and find out What makes a good answer?
Only the first one of these badges has been launched so far, but they are retroactive; if you've answered a lot of questions in the past, you will start to see them appear in your profile over the next few days. And yes, there may be some hidden badges higher than 150. You'll probably see them if you run across any of our Community Leaders.
Any questions about these badges, answering questions, or how this fits into your journey to become a Community Leader yourself? Let me know below!
Monique vdB
Atlassian Community Manager
San Francisco Bay Area
75 accepted answers