Previously Our service is implemented on spring boot 2.7.1 and we are able to send alerts to opsgenie when services are UP/DOWN. Now, we migrated our service it to version 3.2.5 and a...
...lasses mentioned in this link, I created my Rest Controller (webhook listener) as follows: @PostMapping("bitbucket-hook") public void webhook(@AuthenticationPrincipal AtlassianHostUser hostUser, @R...
Hi, I found that the build for the Spring Boot project is failing through Bitbucket Pipeline. The error message 'gradle bootBuildImage' task indicates that `docker api call to localhost:2375/v1.24/c...
...tlassianHostRestClients; public void doSomething() { atlassianHostRestClients.authenticatedAsAddon().getForObject("/rest/api/example", Void.class); } I changed it to postForOject as the creation of a...
Hello! Is atlassian-connect-spring-boot have any easy setup for change atlassian-connect.json location? How can I say move the served json file to localhost:8080/jira/atlassian-connect.jso...
Hello, I have the following problem: I downloaded the tag.gz archive on my Mac OS, created a new "bitbucket-home" folder on my desktop and set the path of the home folder to the "BITBUCKET_HOME="...
I visited the documentation for ScriptRunner at and I was able to retrieve users from Active Directory using the withTemplate...
I am new to pipelines and think its a great tool. I ran into an issue when setting up the call to do docker build. Here is the error I get, ADD ./impl/build/libs/impl-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar exp...
I'm currently developing an app through springboot which allows to input a json file containing inactive or expired users information. With this information I am required to search up many thing like...
Hello! I am trying to install the atlassian-connect-spring-boot-sample-ajax plugin from I have changed the ba...
...ontinuous_integration/bitbucket_pipelines/ Test code: @Rule public LocalStackContainer localstack = new LocalStackContainer( DockerImageName.parse("localstack/localstack:latest")).withServices(S3); &n...
Suppose you need to implement a Jira Cloud app with a backend written in Java that should be capable of executing both long-running calculation-heavy issue processing jobs and lightweight requests fr...
Hi there, I am building JIRA Plugin using React and Spring Boot. There is a sample project "atlassian-connect-spring-boot-sample-atlaskit" available on bitbucket. But it is said it is fr...
I tried to access Jira Rest Call for Creating a Project in My cloud Jira App. /rest/api/3/project And Tried to get all Project also using this rest Call But every time it Returnin...
i created a spring boot app with thymleaf my app work on local but when i use ngrok and atlassian-connect.json jira download the app but it dose not work
I wants to use jira server api to get issue, creste issue in jira core server. But what is troubling me is how can I maintain the session after getting all the token and secret key. Do I need to tak...
this is my entity and here is my serviceimplementation and controller here my jsp page and at least my pom and localhost result and consl
Hi I have developed on spring boot jira cloud add on now i am running it using ngrok but when i am trying to access any url i am getting this message {"status":401,"error"...
Hi, in my project, I have added a Google App Engine Deployment script. I have specified the latest version (0.3.1), and get a problem that says that a JRE 7+ is required. I then downgraded the versio...
Code I have tried is as below @GetMapping("/projects") List<Project> getAllProjects() throws Exception{ System.out.println("In get project"); List<Project> projectModelList = ...
Hey All, I have created a Spring-Web-MVC-Test using the below Annotations @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @SpringBootTest @AutoConfigureMockMvc When I run the test locally it comp...
I always get an exception No qualifying bean of type 'com.atlassian.jira.issue.CustomFieldManager' available... when trying to annotate a customFieldManager property in my service within a S...
My application is a Java/maven application using spring boot. I have csv files in main/resources that I read to load data when my application starts. I have other files in test/resources which are l...
I am new to Atlassian programming and I want to invoke an external application via REST when an event is fired in JIRA, for instance when the priority of an issue is changed. (An event is fired when ...
I use java and atlassian-connect-spring-boot and I need to send request to /rest/api/2/user?key={user.key} User key is usually a part of email And emails allow us...
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