Hey. Whenever I import a XML report to Xray, the output field is always empty if the test succeeds. I have, in the report, quite a lot of information that would be very valuable to have displayed,...
I'm trying to post test-results to a Jira project using Xray Cloud. I'm getting the response when hitting: POST https://xray.cloud.getxray.app/api/v1/import/execution/nunit/m...
...f the yml I'm using (I've tried both the commented and uncommented version but both getting the same result) Further information about this project is, it's a Selenium/Nunit project in c# running C...
I created a NUnit test and it works fine when everything passes, however once a test fails, then that test is shown as Skipped/Quarantined rather than failed. I found this issue which got solved by a...
Hi, I am new to Bamboo and I am struggling to configure NUnit Runner. The question I have, is in the "NUnit Test Files", do we require to mention the full path of .dll? It would be great if s...
...ramework on a NetCore web project. The .XML report file generated by NUnit is being uploaded using the REST api https://confluence.xpand-it.com/display/public/XRAY/Import+Execution+Results+-+R...
I am running a dotnet test and am parsing the resulting .trx file with an MSTest parser. If all the tests pass then the test builds, runs and outputs the result. But for some reason if one of the tes...
When I attempt to run my unit tests I get the following error: System.IO.FileNotFoundException : Could not load file or assembly 'nunit.framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2...
Which executable do I need to create to run nunit 3 tests? It just says that I need to create an executable but does not say which.
What version of NUnit xml does the NUnit Parser require? I am able to run a custom script, that generates a TestResult.xml file, and the file is located. I can see in the file that most tests p...
We are moving Nunit test case into Jira XRay, I don't find a way to trigger the test case be run in Jira/XRay. I searched add-ons, found Gaia Activity has similar function, but failed to install it i...
When I go to Stages and Jobs > Default Stage > Default Job > Tasks > Add Task > Nunit Runner > Executeable My options are: Nunit 2.6.4 and also the x64 and BO4.2 versions o...
We have a .NET Core 2.1 unit test project, which contains a battery of NUnit tests. We are using NUnit 3.10.1. Unfortunately, NUnit Console does not yet support .NET Core projects. So the only way t...
I have a project where I want to pass NUnit options in Bamboo's NUnitRunner task. My NUnit command line is as follows: nunit-console.exe --params="Browser=chrome;ExecuteSomething=Yes" S...
...have installed NUnit 3 Console on the Agent. In Bamboo I have added a capability called "NUnit 3 Console", and in the Server Capabilities I have added the same capability with the same name and path....
...hen you run the plan. Now go and change the Name of the Script Task to "NUnit Runner" When you run the plan again you will receive this error: Parameter validation failed: Invalid length f...
...pproved in the Agents -> Agent Authentication. I setup a "Shared remote capability" for "All Remote Agents." The Executable is a NUnit Runner If I go Agents -> shared remote capabilities, m...
Hi All, I am using Bamboo 6.0.3. I have been trying to get my NUnit 3 tests to run using a Command type task (NOT an NUnit 3 runner task) which calls the nunit3-console.exe located in my p...
For QA, we run some website interface tests (Telerik), which are run through NUnit. Up until now, we have been running them manually through VS/Console and just waiting for it to run, but I have b...
Hi, I've got bamboo running on Windows Server building and testing .NET apps. What I want to achive is to run Integration Tests by nunit3 console runner and check results. Test path: setting up e...
Hello, Platform: macOS 10.12.2 Product: Bamboo build 51416 I am having huge trouble trying to get Bamboo to recognise nunit-console.exe run via mono as a recognisable executable f...
Now that Bamboo 5.14 is out and supposedly supports NUnit 3 how do we configure this? The documentation seems to still be the older format. I installed NUnit 3 console to my Windows server, s...
I just upgraded to NUnit 3 from 2.6.4 and it seems that the XML output is broken. Bamboo 5.9.7's NUnit Runner errors on the run with the following: 17-Nov-2015 11:18:53 NUnit Console R...
I have the NUnit runner working and tests are working. I'm new to unit testing and we're using NUnit. I hooked up the parser and it created a file, just not sure the purpose or what to d...
I am new to Bamboo and I would like to run my NUnit tests usng the Bamboo NUnit task. I currently have three tasks in the project plan which consist of the source code checkout first, then followed b...
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