Hello! We have an object called "Wohnungen" which is used and shown in the mask. Now I want to get one attribute "Standort" of "Wohnungen" which is also an asset object that is linked out and put it...
Hi, I'm using Xporter to export data from JIRA to Excel, and more precisely to create a traceability matrix between JIRA issues. It works for the following condition: #for i=JQLIssuesCount|clause ...
Using the Xporter addon, I export an issue that contains one or more images in the description field. How can I apply ${images|maxwidth} to images in the description field?
Hi Community, help needed. xPorter "syntax" is driving me crazy. I have a field that contains the country shortcut (like eg. AT for Austria, DE for Deutschland, ....). I would like to check/repor...
After upgrading to latest Jira version xPorter no longer works. It was shown as compatible up to Jira 9.10 and I am on 9.12 because of the security advisories. I cannot login to the vendo...
Is it possible, to export multiple issue (i.e. from jql search) into separate single (pdf) files for each issue? All exports like Xporter button, bulk change got me an single pdf file containing all...
I want to enable the maximum number of issues allowed to be exported on Xporter App. Installed the Xporter for Jira Cloud and I can't seem to find this feature on Xporter App. Is this feature comes w...
Hi! I wanted to inquire of the community. Where would be the best place to find a company to hire to create a customized Word document using exporter? We use Jira Server with some custom ...
Hi, First of all, I am unable to register at the Xray support portal: https://jira.getxray.app/servicedesk/customer/portal/2/user/login Is that normal? Second: When I am doing a Scheduled ...
I am using Xporter Multi-Action in workflow. My template is always added with the same name, as a result, there are documents with the same name in the task. how to overwrite an attachment?
We are developing a template which would use a multiline text field for a street address. When we export the document (pdf) the streetname is in the correct side of the document but the street number...
I would like to export a testplan with a specific environment (IOS or Android) with Xporter so that only the test executions for one specified environment in the Xporter template are displayed. ...
How to export multiple xray test with manual test step column available for Jira cloud using exporter
Hi everyone, To present my expectations : I launch the export from an issue "Issue1" of type "MyIssueType" to a Word document, and I need some informations (an address) contained in another ...
Hello everyone, I write my jql in a word file which I export using the xporter plugin in jira. in jira i have fields in bold and italics. but when i generate the template it displays these valu...
Hello everyone! I am currently trying to make an excel export with statistics over multiple different projects in jira with xporter like: <PROJECT_NAME> <BUG_COUNT> <STO...
Since 2 Weeks the following filter is not possible anymore: &{for issues|filter=%{'${Organizations}'.equals('myORG')}} Always worked but since jira rebranded JSD to JSM I cannot...
I have gone as far as copying and pasting from templates and exercises I have found for xporter. For the life of me I can't figure out why it isn't working. My expected output to the code below shou...
...eference to: https://confluence.xpand-it.com/display/public/XPORTERCLOUD/Iterations#Iterations-IteratingIssueSubtasks We also need: ${ Subtasks[n].IssueType} ${ Subtasks[n].Description} I...
Hi all, I'm trying to export test steps from my Xray projet using a docx template. I'm following the advices found in: https://confluence.xpand-it.com/display/public/XPORTER/Xray+Test+M...
I'm having this same issue with images in Description and trying to render the content using wiki. I tried to replace the size of images without success. I'm trying this ${wiki%{'${escape: J...
I am using Xporter and an excel template to create a checklist of tasks for preventive maintenance on equipment like pumps and generators that can be sent out with field crews. In Insight, we ...
Hi, I have a problem regarding the xporter add-on. I simply want to use the iteration index of the &{for issues} loop so that I can print something like Issue 1, 2, ...3 and so on. ...
I am using jira service desk add-on Xporter to extract automated issue report and dump the csv to server . I am getting the csv but missing the satisfaction field . Can some one let me...
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