Can anyone please let me khonw If I order a license for Jira, which version can I get? I need version 4.3.4.
Does anybody have a method to move the "people" and "dates" widgets from the issues page in Jira? These widgets take up a lot of real estate on the right side of the issues page. If they were listed ...
Does anyone know of a way that one could pull all the files from a particular folder without specifying each individually? I'm importing through Jelly, and have tried a few different methods, but hav...
I've discovered that GreenHopper doesn't adjust its version statistics (e.g. Version Time Estimae/Time Spent/Time Remaining on the planning board) when an update fires a custom event, so I've removed...
I'd like to specify a regular expression for validation of a custom text field. I've reviewed the functionality in the "JIRA Workflow Toolbox" plugin and as far as I can tell, I would have to apply ...
Using Greenhopper 5.6.8, I cannot get the statistical marker to show up (using story points constraint). Following the docs, I have 3 stories with a total of 100 points, with a "Version 1" constrain...
I am looking to update the reporter on some of our issues and when I go to edit the JIRA (using the edit button or the bulk update) the reporter field is not appearing for me. I have ensured th...
Hi everyone, I'm in the process of upgrading my company's Jira instance to the latest version 4.3.4. In previous versions of Jira we've been able to intergrate with LDAP just fine, by using a base...
During the import of comments using Jelly, there are certain areas that are being formated to strikethrough, most notably email headers such as: -----Original Message----- I've managed to get thr...
I have searced and searched for a solution to this problem. All the comments by email to Jira doesn't get properly processed. Thats from replying to Jira Issue Created or Issue Commented emails (HTML...
The current jira gadget allow users to chart results for a given filter - How can I display multiple series on the same chart? I am trying to put together a KPI that would show the time to resolve ...
How to modify the custom field Multi Checkboxes to be displayed in horizontal ?
The default project avatar is the avatar that is selected automatically in the Add Projects screen. In our JIRA 4.3.4, that is the blue rocket. What if I wanted the avatar to default to the bird, how...
We're considering a switch from our JIRA/Confluence/FishEye licenses that we run locally to JIRA studio. We were wondering if there were plans to include Bonfire (and/or Clover) in JIRA studio soon?
Hi Atlassian, Apologies if you've been asked this question before recently (I can't see any indication of an answer)... We have just begun to test upgrading our existing 3.13 to 4.3, though I not...
I'm tring to connect the new installation to a blank DB, but the config tool doesn't seem to like me adding the SQL instance onto the hostname srting (i.e. LONDBSQLSYS2/IT where IT is the instance). ...
I'm migrating and upgrading JIRA (3.11 to 4.3.4) and the original installation has all the indexes, attachments, backups etc. in the install directory!! When installing the new version, I've set JI...
I'd like to add another column in Taskboard with the same status and resolution as another but Greenhopper won't let me. This seems like a strange restriction to have as it is a perfectly valid workf...
Hi, We are getting below error when we make call like token = getJiraSoapServiceLocator().getJirasoapserviceV2().login(userName, password); and token is not retrieved. Exception in thread "main"...
Hi I'm using Jira (4.3.3) / confluence (3.5.5) and I am considering deploying these installations into the Amazon cloud (AWS EC2) and away from my data centre. If I deploy to the cloud (EC2 AMI), I'm...
We use GH 5.4.1. Currently our Product Owners are not able to correct the issue type (story, technical story, epic, ...) when they set it wrong initially, because they found out that Jira changes the...
My steps are: Copy the trac.env respective make a archive containing the trac.env Upload the archive with the "External system import", using "Trac" Except the timestamp issue (1.1.1970), a...
....Http11Protocol" port="8443" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" SSLEnabled="true" maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75" enableLookups="false" disableUploadTimeout="true" u...
How to mofify viewable by all people, I just need it to be viewable only for assignee and project leader and of course the reporter By default so i want to restrict it once it the issue crea...
Hi how can i remove or hide link of "SOURCE" and "Review" page url:/WEB#selectedTab=com.atlassian.jirafisheyeplugin%3Afisheye-projectpanel thanks
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