Transferring linked issue to description field

November 4, 2021

Hi. In our Jira instance, from a change request ticket an epic can be created. From the epic tasks are created. The change request and epic is linked using a customised issue link type. The tasks are linked as issues in the epic.  Both the epics and tasks are created as part of a transition in the workflow.

Our workers have requested:

1) Tasks contain a direct link to the change request ticket

2) The epic link field on the task show the issue key (rather than just the summary).

To address the first issue, I was hoping to use the epic workflow transition to copy / set fields for the purpose of copying the issue link to the description field when the task is created.  However, I can't find a way to recognise the custom link type for the purpose of copying it to the description field.

I have no idea how to address the second issue, other than to use a similar method to the above.

Anyone have any ideas how to approach this (without changing the current established ticket structure and linking approach)?

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