How to get Issues > maxResults=50 from a Board with Java?

November 22, 2018

My task is to get all the Issues from the Backlog of a Board.


So I have seen a similar Post at:


, but unfortunatelly this doesn't answer my question.


At the Jira Website concerning the REST API:


I found the following Java Code which works:

// This code sample uses the  'Unirest' library:
HttpResponse response = Unirest.get("{boardId}/backlog")
  .basicAuth("", "")
  .header("Accept", "application/json")


The Problem is, that it only gives 50 Issues, as the maxResults is automatically set to 50.


How can I alter the "maxResults" parameter to get all the Issues using "Unirest"? 


I have already tried using ->> ...


 which doesnt work.

1 answer

0 votes
November 22, 2018

Found partially an answer for Issues till 1000.

I had only to do the following:

HttpResponse response = Unirest.get("{boardId}/backlog?startAt=0&maxResults=1000")
  .basicAuth("", "")
  .header("Accept", "application/json")

so just add after backlog this: 


with 0 and 1000 being just integer variables. 



Note that it will not get more Issues then 1000. So if I'try 10000 it will still set "maxResults" to 1000. So I still did not find an answer for >1000 Issues.

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