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How to fetch versions (version name,startdate,releasedate) details by using projectID

TesterAnees November 24, 2016

Hi Team,

I have couple of versions in my project.

I need to fetch startdate and release date of versions and do some calculations on it.

image2016-11-25 14:52:57.png

import com.atlassian.jira.ComponentManager;
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor;
import com.atlassian.jira.project.ProjectManager
import com.atlassian.jira.project.version.VersionManager


def projectKey = issue.getProjectId() //this will give me project_id

i need to fetch versions startdate,versions releasedate by passing project_id.


I have done some R&D on how to achieve this,

getAllVersions() //this will give me all the versions present in system

Date getReleaseDate() it will give release date of version

Date getStartDate() it will give start date of version



I am new to groovy,can any one please help me with pseudo code to achieve this.


Thanks in advance,









2 answers

0 votes
TesterAnees November 30, 2016

Thank you Shamith Shankar smile

I do have another question, i have stored my project's version's startdate in a array list. Now i wanted to sort that list and fetch "Nearest date,smallest date,largest date" 

 image2016-12-1 12:47:8.png

I want 1-oct-2016 and 29-jun-2015



My code:

import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.project.Project
import com.atlassian.jira.project.ProjectManager
import com.atlassian.jira.ComponentManager
import java.util.*

projectCount = new ProjectCount(issues)//creating object for this classs

public class ProjectCount {
def issues
def versions
def versionStart
public ProjectCount(issues) {
this.issues = issues


public def calMetr1(issues){
versionStart = new ArrayList<Date>()
def project = issues.get(0).getProjectObject()
// get the versions for this project
this.versions = project.getVersions() 
//i am storing version startDate in arraylist,my project can contains null vales also
for(version in versions)

// i want to sort my list and pick the nearest date from it and display it(though VM template)

//i have tried using versionStart.sort(),versionStart.last() but no luck sad


can you please help me with this 


Thanks in advance

TesterAnees November 30, 2016

versionStart.max(),versionStart.min() worked.

Do we have any other way

0 votes
Shamith Shankar
November 24, 2016
Project p =ComponentAccessor.getProjectManager().getProjectObj("long");
Collection&lt;Version&gt; versions=p.getVersions();
for(Version v:versions){

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