In full agreement with @Karen Rabalais 1 can't change a ticket type from an incident to a request or any other ticket type without having to move the request to the ticket that is right for the request
I'm sure there any many of your clients who prefer the old view, maybe see what works for your clients on the new view and then also see what worked on the old view, before taking the old view access away from everybody
This is the worst news. Its the first thing I do on opening every ticket, switching to the old view, so I can change the ticket type, edit fields easily and see everything in one place rather than scrolling down the right hand side bar.
Is there anyone at Atlassian we can petition to NOT remove the old view? Please please, I don't want to have to leave Jira and restart with another product.
Let's face it. With this JIRA is ready to ditch pro users, in favour of everybody else. I guess they counted money and made this calculation. And made one designing mistake, which went too far - applied design principles for general audience to tools for IT industry.
Now they are too big and too rooted in the market to fail, but cannot wait for exciting replacement, which will bloom.
Why? The new view is hard to read and even more difficult to follow. Why not fix the bug and leave the old view for those of us who want to use it. The new view lacks user friendliness, you have to go through so many steps just to be able to read and follow what information you need. The downloading is a pain, and just in general it is a step backwards.
As a manager, having to review lots of tickets across projects and releases, this is frustrating. Old view gives me quick at-a-glance information, I need. New view forces scrolling and I don't get the at-a-glance quick look I need. My productivity will be reduced. It was fine, because if you drop in "?oldIssueView=true" and the ticket number, you can work around the new view default. Thanks for taking away the productivity!
There are a lot of features available in the old view that are not available in the new view (as evident from the comments seen above). As painful as it may be for you to maintain the two views, you cannot sunset the old view until the new view has been rectified to bridge all the gaps. You are inconveniencing your customers i.e. your end users by sunsetting the old view before updating the new view. I request you to reconsider your decision of sunsetting this in Jan 2023 given all the "inabilities" with the new view.
At least have the courtesy to let us edit issue descriptions as plaintext. Some of us would rather not use a WYSIWIG editor (and it makes it just about impossible to do any kind of automation or scripting in issue description creation).
I see Atlassian fixed choosing the ticket type in the new view, you don't need to move anymore, you just have to click on the current ticket type then boom it asks you to choose the ticket type you want
I use "old view" to redirect Jira cards from one kanban board to another and to reassign the card when a team member has assigned it to the wrong sprint/board. For example, a Jira card was assigned to the manager's board but should actually be in the development board causing the sprints to get combined in the backlog. Where will I fix this in the new view?
Hola buenos dÃas en mi caso yo reviso mis actividades en vista antigua me es muy útil, por lo que me permite revisar con mas facilidad los archivos y enviar información, imágenes, y formatos con barras. En esta versión no me permite enviarlos.
My team and I really like the ability to add screenshots (ctrl+v) and label them in old view. New view just adds the screenshot without an option to caption or label the screenshot making the ticket look messy and unorganized. The only alternative is to save each screenshot to our machine then drag and drop those files into the ticket which becomes overly time consuming. Is there a way to add screenshots and captions/labels in new view? Thank you in advance!
The old view has all of the information weneed in 1 place, the new view requires multiple clicks into different panels and tabs. Very inefficient. I have given this feedback multiple times and have never heard back from anyone. So I make the following 2 requests.
1. Please do not remove the old view.
2. Please give us a way to make the old view the default.
If people like the new view, allow them to swttch to it. But please do not remove something that is working perfectly for our organization to return to something that is sub-standard like before you adding the "new view" a few years ago that you now refer to as the "old view"
Very disappointing, I find the old view much more efficient to use and way less clutter on the screen then the new view. As one of the few people in my organization pushing to use this app over doing everything in Salesforce I might be pushed just to do everything in Salesforce.
It's unclear if your employees have hidden user displeasure from you @Ahmud Auleear but, I have expressed my displeasure repeatedly.
'New Look' Jira Image view is extremely difficult for me as a graphic designer to use. You have an image slider that shows 4 images with very truncated text. I have to scroll through pages and pages and pages to find an image that is 30 to 60 images down the list. With grid view I can see 30+ images at a time and the text is less truncated. Basically, in my old view I could almost see all the images I need to see on one page. In the new view, I have to scroll up to 15 times! 14 more clicks in the new view versus the old view. This also creates more of an opportunity for me to miss finding an image and have to re-click through the list. It's impossible to match images that may be a duplicate.
I need to see images in large volumes at a time. Limiting this view adds time and introduces more opportunities for errors to my work that has already very tight TATs.
List view is my other 'New Look' Jira option. No preview, just a list of 5 images with mod dates (Per Page). This is basically the same thing without a preview.
This view is unusable for 15+ images.
I see no improvements of the move from grid view to list view. This is a standard method of easily viewing images (see the examples below...adobe, google, shutterstock, facebook) in large volumes which is critical to my job. A change to this view will significantly add more time to the work that I do on a daily basis. Client expectations will need to be adjusted. This will have an impact on my company as a whole.
You have received an overwhelming amount of negative feedback on this upcoming change. My job depends on navigating a usable platform. Your changes make your product unusable. At minimum, you should allow users to select the view the works best for them (list, grid, tile, etc.). This is common practice of leading software platforms.
It also appears that with the message of the switch you have disabled drag and drop image upload to tickets in the old view version.