Hi. I made an attempt to add a new SSh key in my account but the confirmation email didn't come. I can't reach my repository using the new SSH.
Minimum successful builds - when i enable this, i get the error that there should be atleast a successful build. But how do i get the successful build that stash would know of.
When I try to clone one of my repos I get an error saying that two step verification is enabled and I should use an app password to authenticate. However in my account two step verification is NOT en...
How do I use the DELETE endpoint of the REST API for branches for bitbucket server using postman? https://developer.atlassian.com/static/rest/bitbucket-server/5.5.0/bitbucket-branch-rest.html
I could not find an answer anywhere, so I thought I would just ask. Suppose you have a pipeline with some docker image. The first time it is pulled from the repository and thats fine. However could ...
Hey I'm having trouble connecting to Trello through bitbucket. The Authorization window that pops-up "https://trello.com/1/OAuthAuthorizeToken?oauth_token ..." Displays this error This req...
Hi I'd like to do something like this pipelines: default: - step: name: docker build script: - cmd: docker build . -t foo - cmd: docker tag foo foo...
When I click the button to link boards I get this browser message `This request came from an unauthorized domain` Please help.
Hello, I've lost both, my private key and my mobile device with the authenticator app. I can chance my password, but I need to enter a code to login. Is there a way to get access? This is a huge mess...
Hello, I have a my own hosting environnement and I'll apreciate if you could share with my a full pipeline to peform deployement to linux environnement with "SFTP and keys instead of password". Tha...
Getting the following error while cloning from BigBucket to Source tree Error: Logon failed, use ctrl+c to cancel basic credential prompt. remote: Invalid username or password. If you log in via a ...
Hi - I would like to read the file property, like - last commit time stamp, user info etc for a given file via rest api. I am able to read this info through the below rest api enpoint (with blame)....
We have this weird issue, where git ls -remote command will suddenly start timing out. There will be no error logged in bitbucket server, issue will be resolved for some time after the service...
We have development teams in the US and Europe. Is bitbucket cloud just hosted in the US or are there EU replicas as well? Or do we have to use "Smart Mirroring"?
Is it possible to use `curl` or another command line tool to retrieve the latest revision of a private snippet? I've generated an AppPassword and have been able to fetch specific revisions and I've t...
I have created the account, once I have created it redirect to enter the username, once username entered it shows something went wrong
The naming convention of branches in our current code (mercurial-based) does not match the semantic ordering expected by auto-merge. As I understand it, there is currently no way to change that order...
Hi, I am trying to perform SSO integration with bitbucket. I have done it earlier with jira and confluence following the article - https://confluence.atlassian.com/kb/single-sign-on-integration-wit...
I am running OSGi bnd projects as pipeline gradle builds. During the build process, bnd needs to access an index file in a private repo. The relevant line in the bnd configuration is: location...
I have an unstable build on the feature branch and failed Quality Gate but the code is working in Production, Can I still merge ? If yes, how ?
I am trying to use a custom logback.xml configuration file for my plugin to log. I have one in the resources folder of my plugin and I load it in my java code. The problem seems to be that my plugin ...
Is there a way to call the search button using curl, wget, or using a python or perl library? In my line of work they are requesting that I add bitbucket into a search script. The only way i can see...
Used the below commands to sync the GIT repo with all the latest SVN commits. git svn fetch java -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -jar ~/svn-migration-scripts.jar sync-rebase java -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -jar ...
Hi, We are a small team (<10) but we have to manage very different projects/products that are not related. So we could have repositories with identical names in different projects, but again the...
Hi I have installed e-git in my rational application developer which uses eclipse neon version. I have installed cygwin for windows 10 64 bit . Installed git also and set the bin folder of cygwin in...
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