I have two Atlassian accounts that was created via a BitBucket invite.
let's say :
original@example.com - was the original atlassian account
new@example.com - was a new invite due to work stuff
There was a note on the Atlassian login page a couple of months ago where it says something along the line of 'you can no longer login via username, etc'.
I supplied the new@example.com to that. What that did was it somehow merged all of my repositories from original@example.com into the new@example.com Atlassian account.
The problem now is that new@example.com is dead. I moved to another company and don't have access to that anymore.
How can I move everything from new@example.com into the original@example.com account? I can't seem to find any docs on it and the existing ones are not very helpful or are outdated.