Created Mar 2, 2022, Last active Feb 20, 2025
Hi, I recently did a test migration to the cloud and imported our stuff to the cloud. For some reason, all of the service desk projects say "This project isn't available - It may have been dele...
For some reason Jira Cloud > Jira Server seems to be a Lunar-Mission-level-effort for Atlassian. Here's what we've tried and the results: Backup (using backup for server) and import. This went ...
Hi Team, I want to know the following details. 1. Which all Atlassian products (among - Crowd, Bamboo, Jira, Stash) are available on Cloud ? 2. What are the pros and cons if we compare with "on pr...
I'm facing the difficulties while doing unzip the backup file of Cloud instance.
Does a Jira and Confluence Cloud to Cloud consolidation planning guide exist? I've read what is published regarding two recommended options (published here) for Jira Cloud consol...
Is it possible to import tickets into Jira Service Desk without generating emails during the import? I'm looking at a migration and don't want to spam users who are set as ticket creators with ...
How to migrate the jira server to jira cloud .Only One project With out Using Any Plugin. With Attachments
Previously... Last time we left at the crossroads of trying to decide between Jira Cloud vs Jira Data Center. As we had already done significant investigation, (a proof of concept and user testing ...
As VSCO has grown from a photography app to a rapidly growing subscription business and vibrant global community of users, so too has their need for fast, effective collaboration. All it took was one...
Ain't no sunshine when she's gone; and yes, talking about Jira. :) I thought a lot about July's topic, mostly how to write an article about clouds and migrations from my marketing perspectiv...
Hello Atlassian Community! We're pleased to announce the availability of new guidance on how to test your server to cloud migration. This resource will help clarify why testing is crucial, h...
Merging Cloud Data into a Jira & Confluence Server Environment What & why? Merging data from one Jira/Confluence server into another Jira/Confluence server is one thing. Merging data from J...
Hi! I have a major critical issue I hope someone can help with. I've created a support ticket, but there not that many agents on in the weekends and also the support site is down: Long story short:...
Trying to import my backup data from the Jira cloud to my Jira on-premise server. However, the installation wizard does not really specifically ask where my backup directory to import into Jira...
Gostaria de exportar os arquivos do Zendesk e Importa-los como páginas no Atlassian, mas a opção de importar página parece só existir em arquivos Word. Obs. Os arquivos saem do Zendesk em XML
...isable SSL by setting useSSL=false, or set useSSL=true and provide truststore for server certificate verification. Connection successful! The error message after restarting the server and going t...
No more manual exports. Your admins will thank you. Right now, more than 75% of new Atlassian customers choose our cloud services over server products. Reduction of overall cost and administrati...
Join our AMA with Adrian Ludwig, Atlassian's CISO (Chief Information Security Officer). He is answering questions about Atlassian’s security program and cloud security more broadly, including produc...
Where We Started My company has been using Jira for a little over five years now. When we first made the switch to Jira it was for our development team of about 20 people to be able to use a b...
First start anything, we need have clear ideas and we have to plan any step before. If we wanna migrate to a cloud instance, as I wrote in a blog post, Use your head. Plan a...
Update: That's a wrap! Thanks so much for your questions. If you didn't make it for the live AMA, not to worry. Add your questions below and I will get to them ASAP. Hello Atlassian Community...
Eu gostaria de saber se tem alguma opção dentro da descrição do atendimento onde possa ser excluído ou agrupado as consultas expressas, geralmente são muitas devido a atualização dos dados obtidos du...
Hello, dear community Please, tell how can me allow editing a field in one Issue Type, for example, Due date only to users of a specific role?
Hi there, I am a doctor and am planning on using Trello for my healthcare practice as we could significantly improve our efficiency. My question is obvious, is the trello board HIPAA compli...
Hello, I created a dashboard and sent along the link to someone on the team and the link pulls up something completely different for them. Here is the link - https://umuc...
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