Created Mar 2, 2022, Last active Feb 20, 2025
Lot of times when I create sub task in Structure, it creates duplicate. For example, I'll add a sub task to a Task, I'll the complete the ticket, after completion I have two of the same (sub-task) t...
Hi all, my board all the sudden Shows just part of it's contenct and Ends as ….?menu=filter&filter=r Who can help me removing the filter menue ending? Where can I adjust t...
Hello, We are interested in upgrading from Jira server to cloud and looking cloud for a storage of 310 GB(thats the current size) Is this an option? From what I have gathered,there is a limit of 2...
I'm wondering if there is a way get attachments in an email notification. For example, I have a rule set up for when we have a card moved into a category, Trello sends out an email notification to a ...
How can I hide completed projects? Thank you.
We are currently sitting at 500 Confluence and Jira users and we use add-ons such as JSU, ScriptRunner, etc. Are people seeing a 1-1 parity with their customizations when moving to Cloud? ...
UPDATE: It’s a wrap for our AMA on Cloud Migrations. Thanks to everyone for taking part and sharing your question. Be sure to watch the Atlassian Cloud Migration space to get updates on new content, ...
Hello Atlassian Community! We're pleased to announce the availability of a new Bitbucket Server to Cloud migration planning guide for customers and partners who are interested in moving fr...
Hello, I want to migration JIRA from Redmine. Is it possible to JIRA migration in done task Redmine? Thanks.
Hello Atlassian Community! We're pleased to announce the availability of a new migration planning guide for customers and partners who are interested in moving to our Jira Cloud products. Th...
Hi, I want to export all projects of my jira server to helpdesk cloud. I have a problem when i assign fields (CSV Field > JIRA Field). Effectively, when i finish to assign and click to "Next", i...
HI - We have been a company using RQM/RTC for a long time and now would like to move to Jira/Xray. Though we are excited about the change, would not like to loose or or leave behind - any...
Hi Atlassian Community, We know that storage is critical to teams' productivity and success on the Cloud. That’s why we’ve increased the storage limit for both Jira Cloud products and Confluence Cl...
If you have to migrate your Jira user population from one LDAP domain to another it can be quite a hairy process with all sorts of gotchas: The user names don’t match in both domains And n...
What do we do if the Cloud Migration Assistant won't run? I get the following error: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'exportExecutor'...
We are in process of consolidating Jira instances. We have few Portfolio Plans that we need to migrate from instance A to instance B. Is there any manual, automated or plug-in process that wil...
Hello Community! We’ve been deeply focused on delivering a better experience for customers moving from Server to Cloud, and we’re excited to unveil the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant. ...
I am attempting to migrate our company from Cloud to Server. I have the installation set up and the database (on a different server) is able to be connect and build Jira normally just fine. When I ...
These have been intense years working on Atlassian Environment and getting to know a product that evolves every single year to make itself better. It is a product that actually works so it is worth l...
I face challenges regarding Migrating my tickets and attachments from Codebase to Jira. Please Guide
We were looking at a phased migration of Confluence Server to Confluence cloud. In other words, export the entire space, 2-3 teams begin working in cloud, then at a later time export ...
...very migration is a little bit different. The true migration experts are right here - in the Atlassian Community. So, let's Play as a Team and share our wisdom to support each other's journeys to A...
My organization is using JIRA cloud...However, I found that only JIRA-Server has some sepesific features or plugins. E.g: Service Rocket... So I am curious, how many people use JIRA server, and how ...
We are have an on prem server with a couple hundred projects. We also have JIRA cloud with 20-30 newer projects. We would like to migrate a number of the on prem JIRA projects to cloud. &... the options for Hosting – is it public(held on the same share as other companies data) or private? 2) We need a fully privately hosted site - does this cost m...
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