Just try to add this text into ticket and it will be all gone: I CAN"T ADD IT EVEN HERE THIS SYSTEM HAS THE SAME BUG: Just replace "- --" with "---" to get this glitch. Rename ...
We use Trello to track the progress of our school applicants through the registration process. We have two boards open right now. One is our current 2025-26 registration board and one is our older, 2...
Um colaborador excluiu um cartão do Trello, essa informação de exclusão, fica no histórico de atividades, para o administrador saber qual membro fez a exclusão ?
Como faço para recuperar um arquivo excluido, eram comprovantes de pagamento e acabei me confundindo e exclui. tenho como recuperar estes arquivos?
How to I speak with someone?
For some reason, this board belonged to a college friend, but I think it wasn’t actually the board that was his—it was the work area 'Easy Energy' that belonged to him. Today, he erased the work area...
Hello, I have used Trello in a commercial, workplace setting and in my personal life. The way we used it in the commercial environment seems counter to how the program what designed, so I wanted t...
Preciso que nessa parte do codigo da automacao capture as 2 variaveis, telefone e rastreio. when a card with a description containing "Telefone: {* },rastreio: {* }" is added to list "DE...
Alguien mas está experimentando dificultad para ingresar a trello desde chromebook y como lo está resolviendo?
Can an observer besides commenting can they also add pictures in the comments area?
I would like to create a rule that when an email comes in (all boards) the cover is removed (it takes a lot of space). Can't figure out how to do it.
I need to know what should i do in case i had created a premium account for 14 days however i wanted a free account? how it is possible convert to free?
Some time ago I set up an account with Trello under one email address. When re-invited to that board yesterday I tried to log in, but was stopped by the need for a code from Google Authenticator. I d...
Today a problem arose that I can't put dates and times in the calendar, it crashes and doesn't save, because of this we can't work normally
I'm trying to add a variable to my Trello email reports that shows how many items are completed and how many are incomplete in any checklist on a card. Can you help me with this? I'd l...
On trello.com > login, I made the unfortunate mistake to select my Google Single Sign-On account, which is (I know now) *not* the account my Trello is linked to. It is impossible to undo that s...
I was using the trello app for android, typing into the description for more than an hour, using the divided screen on my tablet. A went to the home screen and as I came back I had lost all the p...
Hi everyone, I created a "Test Recurring" card and added a Card Repeater power up to it. Once done with the testing, I deleted the card with the repeater on it but it still creates a card on schedu...
Hi, How do we recover our account when two-factor doesn't offer that option? I know my password but I changed phones.
Hi, I changed my phone and now I'm unable to receive the 6 digit code. I don't remember where I saved my recovery so I am trying to get a new one. Can you help me please ? I am unable to get a new on...
I'm using Trello Premium and would like to limit who has access to board buttons as well as organize them by creating a library, but I do not see the option to tag these automations. Is it possible t...
All the names (Atlassian, Trello, and Jira to name a few) are confusing and I don't know what the difference between them all are. I thought Trello was project management software but somehow I...
how do we upgrade (I have 10 members already)and what will be the cost to add 5 more people, do I know have to pay for the original 10?
My computer is trying to make me sign in under a different email address, other than mine. My computer did some type of reset, and I need to regain access to Trello for my work schedule to check f...
Fui deslogada de todos o quadros que Administro aqui no Trello. Por que isso ocorre e como posso conseguir voltar pra eles com urgência?
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