For a company we use the Data Center Licence of Jira and Confluence and we urgently need an automated option to translate Jira issues (comments, description, fields etc.) and Confluence pages already...
...n the user's preferred language? This would require automatic translation for the description, titles, comments, etc. How can we make Jira suggest existing tickets when a user wants to create a new o...
Hi all so I mirrored some page to another space in order to publish them via Scroll Documents. In order to translate them I need to export the .xlf files and then import them to a translation s...
...translation. The german announcement, which i can directly set up in the customer portal view (...customer/portals?customize=true) is as follows: Dear customers, [information]. [more information]....
Bonjour. J'ai ajouté un groupe anglophone a mon projet. Lorsqu'un utilisateur ouvre une demande il reçoit une notification courriel. Cette notification ne semble pas être traduisible. ...
I need to localize/translate the Statuspage UI and the incident content. I do not want to use localize.js because our company already has its own language resources, processes, and tools. What other ...
Since this morning any pages with content created with a language for usage of the Translations for Confluence Cloud - Plugin don't show any content.
...ld Word tables just because they have the translation feature :( Any help with this? Thanks so much in advance!
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