Trying to manage Statuspage programmatically and not finding any recent / still-maintained python SDK libraries. Alternatively, is there a Swagger endpoint for the Statuspage APIs to allow "do-it-y...
Hello people, How can I integrate Apidog ( with Jira? There is no direct plug-in of Apidog in jira but is there any API or similar to integrate them? Thank you in a...
I'm trying to follow the steps from the swagger codegen blog post but the generated java output does not compile. I am using the verbatim codegen config json from that article, and loading the spec d...
In it states: REST API documentation migrated to Swagger where do I find the file? T...
We are using the Confluence Search does not search api's - the search is l...
Greetings Atlassian, The current OpenAPI/swagger defintion of Bitbucket Cloud does not contain consistent definitions of the HTTP parameters if `page` and `pagelen` which are used to control t...
Hello, may I ask your help? Links to anchors work fine as long as the "Open API Documentation" Swagger macro is not included in my page. As soon as I add it, the links to the anchors or headings d...
Hi, I'm trying to use the bamboo openAPI with Swagger to generate a java library, but I'm not having problems with the generated code. It's having problems with "parsing" children of t...
...latform/swagger-v3.v3.json. But that's a bit too much. Would there exist some subset OpenAPI Specification? E.g. Create/Update/Get/Delete issues API Actions set Create/Update/Get/Delete projects A...
...erformance of the Swagger UI app. You can upload and view Swagger files faster than before, and we’ve raised the Swagger file size limit from 3MB to 15MB. Now we’re talking! To benefit from these i...
I've got a component defined and I'm trying to upload an openapi 3.0 spec file but things aren't working as expected. Here's what's going on: 1) If I drag and drop the openapi json file, things work...
Hi, we hacve a service with 3 component inside, each of this components has his own swagger file, how do I added this multiples files?
I'm brand new to the swagger-gen Jira REST API for Cloud. I have the code generated but cannot authenticate using Basic, which is expected because it's deprecated. I have my API token generated b...
The following error started happening recently within the Confluence pages where I have included the embedded Open API Swagger plugin for documenting our APIs. Fetch error Failed to fetch https://a...
There are over 250 endpoints in the Swagger that Jira is providing here: The response of many endpoints (like ex: G...
Hello, I'm trying to add Swagger 2.9.2 version for Jira-Server Add-on development (For Jira version 7.0 & 8.0). But as soon as I add this dependency, An add-on gets disabled a...
Hello, I need a Swaggerdocument for JIRA but i can only find the Swagger v3 doc for cloud. It is not working for me.
Does work swagger-confluence-cli-all-2.2-RELEASE.jar with Confluence server 6.13.1+ ? I'm trying execute java -jar swagger-confluence-cli-all-2.2-RELEASE.jar -u "http://localhost:8090/rest/api/" -b...
I'm trying to generate my pages programmatically as part of an automated CI release task. Does anyone have an example of how to define the open-api macro, from the confluence marketplace, using conf...
Hi, the swagger definition at produces errors. The specific error I'm seeing is: "R...
Hi, I am using Open API (Swagger) macro to document the REST APIs in swagger format and when we generate the PDF using "export PDF", output of Open API macro is not available. Any help to s...
In this question a url was given for a json file that can be loaded into the Swagger editor. However, in doing that, Swagger gives a number of errors. Would it be p...
Hi, I need to enable Swagger for my work and I tried searching in my "Find integrations" as an Admin. I couldn't find Swagger there. How can I add and what is the URL to install a new add-on. &n...
I am looking for the swagger specification for the Bitbucket REST API (server). I tried converting the WADL in to YAML file but not able to validate it completely. Does atlassian support swagger...
I'm looking for the swagger.json (OpenAPI) files for JIRAs REST API. I have found the documentation which using RADAR was generated from it, but I really need the json definition instead. Bitbucket e...
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