...ubernetes SSL Certificate : Self Signed, Managed by Nginx Ingress controller Nginx Ingress : Host = qa-jira.com, Target port = 443, Backend port = 443 Jira Webserver (server.xml) : Configured with 2 c...
...e see errors regarding SSL but we can't figure out what the cause would be. We already re-created the keystore since we first had some outdated certificates but right now we get the error "No X...
SSL is the protocol that provides a layer of security for connections between different devices in a network. You must have already setup a custom domain and configured DNS in order to enable SSL i...
...ointing to Bitbucket but not loading my bitbucket.io page. Can anyone help here? Could it be because my domain is missing an SSL certificate?
Hello to all! I have been doing some changes into a repository I'm working at and I want to upload them correctly for my whole working team to be able to access them. The problem appears in this ve...
Hi, I tried setting up SSL certificate using this link and generate a self signed certificate. https://confluence.atlassian.com/bitbucketserver/secure-bitbucket-with-tomcat-using-ssl...
As of today I get SSL errors when I try to update the status of stories I'm working on: The console errors with: `net::ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH` It seems it's unable to load s...
...atabase and clients are Windows machines. SSL certificates are procured via GoDaddy. Starting with Sourcetree version 3.4.9 users are receiving a SSL certificate error message when trying to c...
Hi, I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction or provide some documentation as I do not seem to be coming right with this. We are currently on JIRA Server (v8.5.1) and we have an SSL...
I'm following these directions, using Portecle https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver/running-jira-applications-over-ssl-or-https-938847764.html I'm using certs from a well-known C...
Hi, How to store SSL certificate in linux server for JIra service management? I received .pfx file what is the procedure to secure the session? Thanks. Regards, Saqib Dar
Hi All, Confluence gadgets in Jira Dashboard not functioning now. Recently changed url to https. Integration works good but still I some of users experiencing Jira dashboard issue(blank gadget) ...
...uture use if we need to expand to cluster mode) they added the SSL certificate there, and it's working, Jira has ssl - BUT when i want to add an gadget - they are having names like m...
Hi! I have two git accounts, one for bitbucket second is for github configured in Sourcetree on Mac. My problem is that I can't authenticate on github since sourcetree doesn't see id_ecdsa key for ...
I have been trying for about a week or so to get our Jira Service desk instance to have a valid SSL certificate and now I'm reaching the end of my tether! I've managed to get Jira to work over H...
...ira and there was a notification whic i follow to to Application Link section and error message is: "Bitbucket MyHost may be using a self-signed SSL certificate or a certificate that was i...
...he update I get the following error: An SSL error occurred, please check that the provided resource uses https. The url of the webhook didn't change and on the Jenkins side we didn't change anything a...
Hello, I am currently using Jira Software (Cloud) and I have one Jenkins Server with SSL. The way I want to implement it is to send Jenkins Build web requests using Automation Before applying SSL...
We have Jira server version 8.14.0 We have configured LDAP user directory Directory type: OpenLDAP In Ldap we want to use ssha512 password encryption In configured LDAP directory in ji...
Hi Community, im trying to set up an SSL Client Certificate based authentication for Jira and Confluence. While logging-in is working so far, it is breaking the Application Link between Jira and C...
Hi all, I am trying to renew an expiring certificate but not having any luck. These are the commands we have previously run without issue: ..\jre\bin\keytool -genkey -alias server -keyalg RSA -keys...
I am trying to add certificates and use SSL for Bitbucket 4.12 running on Windows Server. Question 1: Using their instructions, it says to put the certificated where Apache can access them. H...
We have a project written in C++ and C# and stored in BitBucket. We downloaded a copy to a server (using SourceTree) in Nov last year. We now have an issue with SSL. The machine runs W...
We are using Jira 4.4.4 on-premise server which work on Java 6, currently nearly all email service provider stopped support of TLS 1.0 & TLS 1.1 and Jira 4.4.4 doesn't support TLS 1.2 hence we ar...
Guys, I am using PostgreSQL 13.5 as the backend database for JSM 8.21.0. To enable mTLS connection between JSM and database, I have turned on SSL on database side, it is working fine. And g...
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