Hello everyone, Have you ever wondering what is the earliest time you can start to work on a new initiative and book necessary resources? The latter, what skill is going to be in short supply (or o...
After Jira DC (8.3) compatibility with CDN announcement we have faced the problem with one of our conditionally included resources that we have to convert to stateless conditioning. There is a...
Hello, I am trying to explore the best way to show a dashboard of resource allocation to our PMs and exec teams. I work for a small startup that is careful about spending, so am trying to avoid s...
What if I created a sub-task for each type of resource that works on a story to gather resource data? That thought crossed my mind recently. We would know how much development, analysis, t...
It's a long read, but I'm hoping others are trying to leverage their investment in Portfolio, and are willing to engage in this topic. Modeling plans and resources in Portfolio Background A...
...ssues that is linked with the object. But I want more: I'd like to be able to manage the availibility of my Objects. Just as you can plan Team Resources with Tempo Planner. Unfortunately, t...
Hi All, I wanted recommendation for Jira plugins with primary feature of "Resource Planning" and "Capacity Planning" for projects/releases
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