We are a team of 10 members where the group is tagged for approval and if one of the member approved this Pull request rest of the members are still seeing this as a pending even one appr...
We have DEVOPS triggers from BitBucket that get kicked off when Pull Requests are open; ie: "Send an email to this channel when a Pull Request is opened" or "add a comment to this JIRA when a pull re...
Hello, Bitbucket has an (for me) unwanted behaviour: When creating a pull request it checks how many commits were made. If only one it takes the commit message. When several commits it generates the...
Hello All, I have a use case. I have two branches "stag" and "prod". The stag branch contains three files appspec.yml, buildspec.yml, commonfile.txt, and scripts folder. The prod branch also ...
Hi, when I list the pull request for the project, i want to filter some of the users who created pull requests from the list. We have some automation users and they open lots of pull requests automat...
I have an issue where I'm trying to set up an automation that whenever an Issue is assigned a Version, I go out and update the Pull Requests base branch. I am able to successfully fetch all of ...
Hi community, How do you approach optimizing the code review process in Bitbucket? I’d like to hear your tips on ensuring that PR authors receive timely, high-quality feedback. If you are current...
Hello, I have been checking the documentation associated with smart values for Pull Requests - https://support.atlassian.com/cloud-automation/docs/jira-smart-values-development/#--Pull-req...
I'm looking for a way I can search PR comments to find a discussion. A few of our senior developers were discussing how we might introduce SccsID-like tagging in our source code so we ca...
Occasionally we see branches with Approved Pull Requests updated before they are deployed to Production. The only way we've seen this happen is when the Merge Masters (my silly term) merge the ...
Hello, I have Jira and Bitbucket in the company I am working at. The purpose of this question is to automate task creation in Jira according to Bitbucket. I created a rule in Jira Project Automatio...
We use Atlassian Bitbucket v8.19.10. Is there a way to add only a general comment to a pull request? Currently i am able to "start review" or to add a comment to a given file or line that...
Hi I have noticed, that if you fetch the activity from a pull request with a field parameter enabling the "inline" contents, such as follows: curl -G "https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/XXX...
I almost always face difficulty to review changes in file on pull request page. This is because actual size of code viewing section is almost 1/4 of the screen. And I have 13" laptop so is set 120% f...
I think its a bug. Yesterday the diff colors were as usual. Today morning look awful. I don't think it suppose to looks like this. Changed to all my colleagues.
Not sure if anyone else has some good ways of working with PRs, but we've had some minor (but constant...) pain points working with PRs in the new UI. They're pretty much echoing a lot of the feedbac...
I realize that most languages are case-sensitive, but it would be useful for VHDL reviews (perhaps SQL as well) if lines differing only in capitalization could be hidden from online diff reviews, muc...
I'm looking at my newest pull request and no button shows up to approve it (nor to merge it, for that matter). How do I merge it? I am the owner and sole user and have not changed any settings.
How to migrate Pull Requests with Comments and Attachments from Bitbucket Cloud to Bitbucket Server?
Hi there, I would like to use the "pr:reviewer:approved" webhook event on Atlassian Bitbucket v8.19.7. It is listed as a possible event for Bitbucket Server in https://confluence.atlassian.co...
Hi guys. Whatever the web browser, the page loads but I’m unable to access https://bitbucket.org/abdullah0096/lasvegas-ecdlp.git/src How to fix this ? I would like to submit a pull request...
We have a number of old PRs for branches that were merged manually outside of bitbucket. (A rebase against develop was the final step, in order to maintain a linear history). Is there a way to close ...
Hi team, Looking to export repository meta data like pull requests from Bitbucket Cloud. Is there a way >?
My Pull Request to a protected branch shows "You will need to resolve conflicts to be able to merge", but I locally I checked and it can be merged cleanly if I use `git merge -s recursive -X our...
we have jira cloud and bitbucket the integration is working fine - i can manage and see the details of the branch and pull requests in jira as needed in the automation rules, I would like t...