Hello, I'm trying to configure Slack integration to send Kubernetes alerts to different Slack channels based on different set of tags. I would like to implement something like: IF ...
Hi team I have configured an OpsGenie to Microsoft Teams V2 integration which is working fine. Because it's a bi-directional integration I get the necessary controls to manipulate the alert fr...
Hi Team, We are using standalone Opsgenie, and we use tags to categorize the alerts. I have one concern: if alerts are coming regarding servers, there may be different servers. For example...
About 6 months or so ago my phone stopped ringing when I get an on-call notification. I only receive a text message. I would prefer it to ring. I have an Android phone. Nothin...
Is there any way to delay the integration trigger in Opsgenie? We use Zendesk integration to create a Zendesk ticket whenever an Opsgenie Alert is created. The problem is most of the alerts would be...
Is there a way to create the google cloud monitoring integration with terraform? We will have the same challenge with slack.
Hi, By default all alerts are sent to a slack channel from OpsGenie irrespective of the priority of the alert. How can we setup multiple channels e.g. slack/email etc. and route the alert to a chann...
Hi, Wondering if anyone has problem logging into Opsgenie from Opera browser. My observations: 1. It works from incognito mode, which would imply it may be some sort of cookie or cache issue. Tried...
all my team mates have roles as USER. they do not see the option of OVERRIDE on their shift schedule, but being admin i can see that option. as explained in article - https://support.at...
Our requirements is like this - if A,B,C,D,E are in rotation schedule, if A doesn't ack alert after notifying 4 times (1 each minute), then we can notify to B, if B doesn't ack after being n...
Dear all, Since the new UI on the Analytics part was deployed we have faced the issue of losing our previous scheduled report. We are not in the midst of closing the payroll for this month a...
all my team mates have roles as USER. they do not see the option of OVERRIDE on their shift schedule, but being admin i can see that option. as explained in article - https://support.at...
I am looking for difference between cozy and comfort views on OpsGenie. What's the advantage of using cozy vs comfort view for monitoring.
If I have two OpsGenie alerts that are related, is there any way to link them together in the same way JIRA has Causes and Is Caused By?
Hi Team, There is no option to send alerts to all the users in the schedule. Only option available is next user on call in schedule. We wanted to send alerts to all the users in schedule if...
I see both the users in the same team, but seems like user 1 is not getting notifications. Why is the "New alert" rule not being applied?
Hello all, I would like to remove some tags from alerts through OpsGenie Mobile App (it is feasible through the web interface). From what I see I can add tags but I can't remove it. Is there any wa...
Hello Everyone, how are you? I need to do the Download Number of Alerts Detailed, but until last week the message column appeared in file .csv. This week for my surprise this column no appear more. ...
Hi, I want to update our teams internal StatusPage with relevant notifications from a different 3rd party Status Page. I'm using OpsGenie in the middle to ensure that the oncall engineer is awa...
I have an Action policy that links an Action to certain alerts. The alerts have a notification policy linked that will auto-close. I've noticed in some cases the Action policy fires after the ...
Good afternoon, everyone! The following story happened to me. I use zabbix integration in opsgenie. After I disabled this integration, I kept getting alerts until I disabled the action in Zabbix to s...
Hi is there a way to balance JSM tickets if more than one people is set on at the same time as on-call for a team/group? I would like to be able to use opsgenie to establish an on-call team (more th...
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