Happy Friday Everyone! Tonight, at 9pm my time I will be starting my own Extra Life gaming marathon, similar to what Atlassian did back in September! This reminded me of some fun times in my youn...
Hey everyone! I'm a little late to the party today, but it's only early afternoon here in the Atlassian office in Mountain View, California. 😄 So I hope everyone has had a great Friday so far! ...
Did you know the first Friday Fun came out on 25th August 2017? That's a lot of Friday Funs we've all had, it predates my time of being on the Community let alone in the Atlassian Ecosystem!! ...
Miscellaneous Monday is celebrating it's 5th birthday this month, and we felt it is time to provide a mega summary post about it's history to set it up for a bright future. 🧙♀️ The OG protagonist...
Woohoo it's Friday Fun Day 🎉 (and the first one I've published 💙) I loooove watching something I've already seen. Sometimes it can be as deep as wanting to mediate on the theme of ...
I have authored many technical articles on the Atlassian Community platform. Recently, I have been contemplating initiating a discussion on the crucial subject of Team Health and Culture through the ...
2023 have a good trip !
2022 comes to an end! It’s time for 2022 Jira Admin Bingo! Tell your score in a comment, or do your bingo 😊 Let’s have some fun in the last days of 2022 🎉
Events like hackathons are vital for the IT industry since they allow individuals to share ideas, work on new projects, and learn from one other. Hackathons foster creativity and innovation. ...
Go ahead and publish that Confluence page and check the date under the title*. Yeah, you saw that right: it's December. The year is almost over, the holiday vacation is on its way, and you’re probabl...
We began utilizing TestCafe for our Cloud Apps E2E UI test, and just thought we'd share our experience with you. What is TestCafe and why use it? You can read it here https://testcafe.io/. ...
Hi, my name is Katerina and I’m a product analyst at the Stiltsoft Europe, the Table Filter and Charts for Confluence team if to be specific. Here are some useful tips from me as an Atlassian vendor:...
Atlassian Community Leaders, It's #Jiracon22 time! We are stoked that some of you are already joining us as speakers/sponsors and we are super excited to share that just like last year,...
Confluence... Over the years it's established itself as a workplace family name. We all know and love Confluence for all it's little quirks and the fact it is the all knowing, all documenting, all...
Hello Atlassian Community, It’s July and it’s time to announce JiraCon22 is back! This year, it’s running Thursday, Sept 29th (North America) and Friday, Sept 30th (APAC). We loved that you joine...
Jira Cloud や Confluence Cloud、Trello において、他のユーザーでは起きていな問題が、特定のユーザーのみで発生する場合があります。 このような場合は製品全体で発生している障害や不具合ではなく、ユーザーの権限や、ご利用のローカル環境に起因して問題が発生している可能性が高いです。 本稿では、お客様にて行なっていただけるトラブルシューティングをご紹介いたします。...
[1] Atlassian Status Atlassian Status では障害発生から解消までの状況を発信しております。障害が発生しているかも?と思ったらまず Atlassian Status をご確認いただけますとさいわいです。 お客様がご利用いただいている製品をクリックいただき、画面右上の [Subscribe to updates] より、メールや Slack にて障害通知を...
This sculpture inspires me. It spoke to me deeply when I first laid eyes on it in the gallery at Makai Glass Maui. It speaks to me now as I glance at it in my office while writing this post. Each t...
Effective project management plays a vital role in any corporate establishment. It helps the company to achieve its short and long-term goals and make the best use of the available resources. AI or A...
Finding ways to help those in needs Atlassian Community, we have employees in both countries, Ukraine and Russia, in our company. We also have team members in Poland helping with housing, tran...
最近アトラシアン社内にてクイズを出題する機会がありました。製品知識を試すのに役立つかと思い、せっかくなので日本語版として公開いたします。 ■ 前提 明記されている場合を除き、いずれの問題もクラウド製品についての質問です 答えは2022年2月18日時点での仕様にもとづいて記載しております # 形式 ...
Most of you will use Atlassian tooling in their professional context and mostly work related I’d guess. It was the same for me, my whole professional career is build around Atlassian tools. And w...
As the indomitable @Jimmy Seddon has already mentioned in his Welcome Wednesday post, today is Groundhog’s Day in the United States and Canada (or Canada and the US from Jimmy’s POV). One of t...
Jira is a project management and bug tracking tool but if you ask QA professionals in any aprat of the globe, it is very likely that they would also refer to it as their go-to test management tool as...
Did you know the first Friday Fun came out on 25th August 2017? That's a lot of Friday Funs we've all had, it predates my time of being on the Community let alone in the Atlassian Ecosystem!! ...
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