This feature update was also posted on the Bitbucket blog. By popular demand, we are happy to introduce several new strategies for syncing and merging branches in Bitbucket Cloud. Our goal is to p...
...evel overview of Bitbucket cloud features with a closer look at the PR process and Bitbucket pipes. Learn about merge checks, AI code review, security scans, and how to automatically assign reviewers b... David Attenborough is here to share his delight on how Workzone for Bitbucket helps fully automate and optimise the merge control process! Without further ado please welcome, Rowan, Ergh I m... is a bug in production that needs to be fixed immediately. Organizr structured merge hierarchy enables your team to prioritize and structure pull requests across repositories, projects and the e...
...bility to merge requests. What's more, we want to have control over which tickets we merge. On the other hand, we want some actions to be automatic. Merge requests as the chef combine i...
...ssues: automatically find duplicates / similar tickets & merge issues with a few clicks. – Cheers, Markus /
If you haven’t done a software migration before, it’s hard to know what to expect. How do you properly plan for something unknown? How does the configuration and amount of data impact complexity? How...
As a consultant, I’ve seen a lot of different Jira configurations and helped plan many migrations, merges, and moves. Sometimes the effort is small, like moving a Jira project from one application t... now block pull requests from being merged until their Code Insight reports meet your requirements. You can block merging if a quality report isn't present yet, if it doesn't pass, or if a...
...arketplace app “Merge Agent for Jira”. Futureweb works with two different queues. The team queue handles the oldest customer requests first - no matter how time-consuming the request is. The s...
...rocess. These work in the background by monitoring approvals and checking reviewer group related pull request merge conditions. The modern view of self is the integration of Me and We. Small h...
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