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×...onfiguration" and "Security". For some reason, whenever I click on a left menu item inside one of my custom apps, the menu doesn't expand by default. It just stays closed and I am forced to click to open it. H...
...pproach for me. I have used the following tools, and I was finally happy with my orgiansed "Confluenceroom". In our team, we customised this menu bar to navigate to the frequently u...
Hello, I'm experiencing a display problem on the Confluence side menu (see attachment). After the last update, my side menu display changed. It's inconvenient because I can no longer see all the s...
I have been a member of the Kudos program for a while now but over the last few months I don't see the challenges in the Kudos bar at the top of the screen... Does anyone else have these problems?
...hat it was difficult to find or create teams in our products. With this in mind, we changed the top navigation menu label in Jira and Confluence from People to Teams. By changing the label to T...
...ui-toolbar2-primary is limited to around 600 pixels; therefore almost all buttons are shown under the "More" dropdown menu. We'd like to have more buttons (mostly ScriptRunner fragments / web i...
In a past job I was able to select a bunch of tickets from the backlog view, right click, and bulk change was an option in the contextual menu. I am now working exclusively in team managed projects a...
I currently have a very long document with headings and subheadings. The menu appears at the top of the page, but it isn't easy to navigate through this page with the menu being at the top. Is t...
The three little dots in the right-hand corner of my lists no longer bring down the menu that allowed me to "archive all" the cards in the list. I've even tried different browsers, and it's t...
Hi all. Looking for a little guidance. One of the apps we recently purchased has a beautiful sub-menu navigation bar on their pages that I'm looking to create. Anyone have any knowledge of how it w...
Hello! We have a problem with our Confluence Server V7.10.2 (licensed). Some users are having issues with top bar buttons disappearing intermittently. Sometimes buttons shown, sometimes buttons hi...
We have a client using and copying our Trello boards in Chrome (which we require for some other reasons), and when he attempts to open the menu bar, it's just blank, like this: A...
is there any way to add a custom menu item to the pull request menu?.
I have a page that has 2 'menu' macros. When I go to the page directly, I get the below error for the 2 'menu' macros. Error rendering macro 'menu' com.adaptavist.confluence.theme.engine...
The mobile version of Trello has the ability to expand or contract a checklist, by clicking the arrow near the checklist name. Can this feature be added to the desktop version of Trello also please? ...
Upon viewing a board in Chrome, when access the card, the card menu appears to be pushed down -- as if the browser window was shrunk. But the menu is appearing this way, even if the browser w...
Здравствуйте, уважаемые члены сообщества! Подскажите, пожалуйста, как скрыть для неавторизованных пользователей пункты меню страницы: История страницы, Информация о странице. Заранее огромное спаси...
...his figured out before then. We're able to use some keyboard shortcuts, and we're able to pull up the keyboard shortcuts menu. When we press "," to try and use the jump to fields for editing s...
JSDCLOUD-5942 says that when a user clicks on a KB article, Service Desk opens this in a new tab and that there are no current plans to change this functionality. Fair enough, but when a new this ne...
I've just upgraded to the latest version of Jira and my top bar icons are very big. Not sure if this was actually part of the upgrade or something broke, but is there a way to make them smaller? The...
Hi, we are testing confluence and currently, we are not satisfy with the new interface. Is this possible to edit the main menu? We want to remove the "Home" (which is in fact a weird recent p...
Good evening, I'm currently building a knowledge base for a large community of users. There will be thousands and thousands of tutorials host on my Confluence site, and I'd like to know what is the ...
We have 1 user that is intermittently unable to access the actions menu. She will click on the 3 dots, and the menu will open above instead of a drop-down. I have logged in as her, and can't r...
Hello community :-) a few days ago I stumbled over a Confluence homepage that included a second navigation bar (including a menu) as you can see in the picture included. I tried to reproduce s...
Hi, I wan to to edit (add/update)the top menu bar in confluence cloud version. I am unable to find the options to change the same. Any help would be appreciated. &n...
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