Hello Fellow Atlassians! Is there a group for MSP's to meet up and compare notes on how we are using the Atlassian Suite of Applications with our variety of cleintele. I feel like Jira Service Ma...
Missing deadlines is one of the biggest problems every team lead wants to avoid when dealing with managed services. When the customer contracts your company to help with IT services it is expected th...
IT Service providers work with the cutting-edge technologies and concepts to deliver the best for their customers. When working with managed services it is important to keep everything on track. Ther...
After upgrading our hosting package, notification emails stopped coming through. We use Gsuite for Business and Ionos hosting. Using https://trello.com/test_notifications produces nothing ...
It happens all the time: when planning project activities managers and team leaders tend to give more attention to the billable efforts, those ones the customers will pay for. But we all know...
Plan and track how teams spend their time and effort may represent a rocket science for many team leaders. Not rarely they need to deal with a considerable amount of variables to “hit the tar...
Imagine this scenario: You are a team manager in a company that provides managed services for different customers. These customers develop different solutions and rely on your company to supp...
If your company uses Jira and Tempo and deals with managed services, you probably felt the need to have contracts with a recurrence feature to better track your services on a monthly basis, f...
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