Getting 401 error while generating bitbucket connect app jwt token I am using recommended package for js. code block: import * as atlassianJwt from 'atlassian-jwt'; import a...
...orkflow and makes JIRA not send the issue key back to my script. The function is the create issue function by JWT (JIRA Workflow Toolbox), and a specific field, "New Labels". I found out that this is t...
...rocess: The plugin decodes the JWT using a pre-configured public certificate, verifying the token's validity and expiration. User Identification: The plugin extracts and verifies the username or email f...
Hey, Atlassian Community! 🎉 Exciting news! We’ve just rolled out a game-changing update to our OAuth SSO app on the Atlassian Marketplace: JSON Web Tokens (JWT). This new feature is set to r...
We have the below script currently used in the JWT plug-in that we need to change to a postfunction in Groovy, ScriptRunner or Project Automation. Any suggestions are appreciated: C...
...bsp; "secret": "MySecret" } ] I am able get notification event in my My-url. In Event's header part I am getting a field authorization containing jwt token. C...
Hello, when a user closes an issue and chooses either the complete, done, or fixed resolution, the time tracking field should not be empty. I don't want to require that field when the resolution is a...
...I'm using JWT for the validator, using the Logical validator with the following condition: And this is the text for the condition: (count(issuesFromJQL("project = " + %{issue.project.key...
...eturn of a multiselect. I understand a multiselect returns a string, not a list, but if I try toStringList(%{issue.cf19904},","), I get a generic error in JWT: I was able to achieve what I n...
Does not generate the issue automatic in a post function with Jira Workflow Toolbox? after changing the issue transition when I check the log for JWT I'm getting Issue type not found. what I am d...
...ehavior I'm now trying to configure the requirement using Jira Workflow Toolbox. In the workflow's "Create" transition I set up a JWT Logical Validator with the following expression: d...
Hello, I'm working on setting up a JWT set field rule that uses a parser regex expression to pull a value from issue.description and set a custom text field the pulled value on issue create. When u...
Hello, I have a Jira Workflow Toolbox (JWT) calculated date-time field that I can't get to work with JQL searches. Reproduction steps: Create a JWT Calculated Date-Time Field Enter a f...
...xpressions, tried to copy this rule and import it again, but none of this working. It is started after updating JWT on version 3.1.6. Has sombody faced a problem like this? Thank you, Timur Akhunov.
I'm using Bitbucket Connect App and I'm getting JWT token from webhooks but I'm not able to get access_token from the below API call. returns nothing using this API call. curl -X POST -H...
...esktop back online I need the Create Issue (JWT) to look and see if that Hard Drive ticket already exists and if it does not make another ticket.
Git Bash git pull fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories Sourcetree git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c core.quotepath=false --no-optional-locks push -v --tags origin master:master P...
...verything is ok and that the authentication is ok. We checked Atlassian code and the "Verified JWT for host" message (in our log below) is printed only if the JWT is Ok so the authentication is definitely o...
Is it possible with JIRA Workflow Toolbox to add in validation when a user created a bug to check that the Epic Link's project matches the project selected? We are having issues with people creating ...
Hello everyone, I am new to Jira and I encountered a problem I don't seem to be able to solve. When using a function Update field based on rules based on the following parameters w...
...he 10th anniversary of JWT. 🎉 Thank you very much for being a big and important part of this journey and helping us to build the best-rated Jira app on the Atlassian Marketplace. And what is b...
Submitting deployment data retruns [ { "message": "Resource must be JWT authenticated." }]. Any help in setting up JWT authentication with exact values for callback, client id and s...
I'm currently using the Parse field for extracting data post function but can't get it to work on a URL. Source - URL field Leading delimiter - using literal text Format of the value to be extrac...
...MWE, JWT and scriptrunner apps.
While working with JWT plugin, is it possible to trigger an automation rule when an issue link is deleted ? Also, can we have 2 automation triggers for an automation rule?
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