I've been struggling for a long time to find a company that’s the right fit for me. Despite applying to numerous jobs and reaching out to connections, nothing has worked out. Recently, someone s...
Hi There, I got a job offer from someone @atlassianllc.com. Wanted to check if this is legit?
I upgraded scriptrunner from 7.9.0 to 8.28.1, and encountered an error message stating argument " content " is null when using the job. I think downgrading the version may fix the problem, b...
I have the following custom job script that works great. It grabs saved filters, parse the query, and save as a txt file to an issue as an attachment. However, I am parsing at least 3-4 filters, a...
I am the Jira administrator for an organization i am working for. I feel that the tools offered by Atlassian can do a lot of good for a lot of companies. I am very conversant with Jira service manage...
Hello there, will try to be quick. Building automation routine in scriptrunner jobs. All the stuff is running fine, but the final set values back into checkboxes CF is failing without any e...
...ssociated to project using groovy script and this needs to be scheduled as a job. Thanking in advance.
Hi, I tried multiple times to run the "Dashboard Data Preparation" background job, but every time I try, I got this error: The job has completed with an error - Database server name: a...
Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday :) I have a video interview for the position of Trainee IT Atlassian Consultant - Digital Workplace and Agile Environment (x/w/m). This co...
...hat sponsor H-1B Visa, to allow me to work in the US. Can anyone please suggest where can I find Atlassian-related jobs in the US that sponsor an H-1B visa? Any help is highly appreciated. R...
Hi, Is it possible to create a custom job on JIRA to send a daily email reminder? I have looked into adding a post-function once an issue moves to the status but this would just be a once off e...
Hi Team, We are using JIRA server installed, we need to integrate JIRA and JENKINS to trigger jobs. I have tried using the webhook but looks some where I am doing wrong. Please guide me how t...
The job requires me to be comfortable with using project management tools such as JIRA. Jira is completely new to me but I'm comfortable with Microsoft Planner. I have a 'Prioritisation' test t...
Hi, I use the Scriptrunner Escalation Service to monitor 5 projects for overdue issues. Then an email should be send to all projectrole members of "QMB" of the project, the issue occurs ...
My team is hiring - we're looking for two experienced Jira / Atlassian Administrators/Developers to join our team at Dropbox. Please apply if you are interested, below are the job requirements, L...
...ery basic workflow for my teams regarding board flow. There are a few sites on Smartsheet that would need to be migrated off. The job also will require working on setting up connectors for Github, a...
As a new Admin for JIRA/Confluence, I am trying to figure out the path of least resistance to create a scriptrunner job to do a daily export of a Confluence page to a pdf to be saved in a shared f...
We are looking to use Jira for HR recruiting. You guys have a nice template for that. However what I would like to know, is if we have a candidate from the recruiting board that gets hire...
Is there a way to enable or disable job dynamically in runtime in Bamboo just like conditional tasks?
Hi, I created custom scheduled job with ScriptRunner that is checking all our projects and sending out emails to responsible for those projects. An email is basically a HTML table with r...
Hi Guys, Weird request came from user, User wants an auto email on every friday in which Dashboard should be attached in emails in jpg or pdf or png any format similar to UI. Using Sc...
When it comes to job hunt, which of the above do you use and any specific reason for the same?
Hello everybody, I'm currently working on a script which automatically creates a story with subtasks on the first day of each month. I'm almost done with it, but I've noticed that I can't se...
Hello, i have a custom script that is fetching data every 10 minutes in ScriptRunner Jobs. After days of working without a problem, it just stopped working. There is no error in logs or a failure m...
Hi there Atlassian community... Looking for an answer on two things: Create multiple jira issues in one custom scheduled job (using ScriptRunner) Including a custom single select field to be u...
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