...ira. A project can only be added manually. If a new Jira project is created, then the Profile in JEMH will have to be edited manually. How to make the Profile work for all projects in the system? J...
HI I am currently writing a custom macro for our JEMH. I use $context.user.displayName.asText() to include the user's name in the signature. But I would also like to include email, title a...
I'm working on an HTML notification template (in JEMH) that uses Groovy. I'm trying to pull the component value as just the name so that we can include it as part of the email. That way the user w...
...upport attachments I am using JEMH here , now the issue what I am facing is I have two transition for two emails when first transition is done the first email goes to promotion tab in Gmail but i...
Can you scrape an email and create an issue in JIRA, then comment in that issue and trigger a reply email to the same email thread?
Good morning, We are using JEMH in a way to generate tickets when receiving an email. In JEMH we have the module "Directives" that gives us the opportunity to auto-complete t...
We are using Jira Server and there is in one project where one component self creates it. Description is Auto-created by JEMH and default assignee is unassigned. How to stop the component k...
...tatus) -> 'Cancelled' The other green one is 'Done'. I expected the green states to mark tickets as resolved. In JEMH, I have a comment-matching rule that says: Issue Status: &n...
We have an email being sent through the service desk and it keeps going coming in as a ALERTS ticket instead of and IT ticket type we have mapped the email through the service desk profile, but it ke...
We use JEMH as our mail handler and have created a project with with a catchall address example@example.com, which runs in the operation mode Create and Comment. When a person mails to example@e...
...bsp; What is the best way to accomplish this with Integration or JEMH plugin? Here's the link to access the website for reference https://www.questsys.com/
Hello, I have a problem with JEMH and tables in incoming emails. HTML table added to email body is not properly rendered, please take look at screenshot. Is there any way to fix this i...
Hi, I am customising templates for sending automatic e-mails to customers when they open a new ticket. Our customers have different native languages. So I would like the automatic e-mail to...
We're using JEMH, to intercept e-mails from users and extracting data from the e-mail to fill-in certain fields. One of the things we've configured in JEMH is a script mapping rule, where we want t...
I am having trouble responding to customers from the case set up in Jira Service desk via JEMH. JEMH scans my support email inbox, creates the case using '@' directives for aliases, and sends a n...
...hen an issue is sent to this specific addressee, it uses the Issue Attributes default. Has any experienced this or have any idea where I should look for a solution? JEMH: 3.3.9 JS: 8.5.3
...now if there is some way to configure JEMHC so that the external customers (reporters) will only receive an email for public comments sent using the service desk “reply to customer”? I noticed that t...
We have a on-prem jira install, with inbound mail using IMAP connected to an Exchange mail infrastructure, and we use JEMH as the mail handler. So last night was the Daylight saving time s...
I am looking for a way to attach images in jira issues to the email sent to notify users of an event. We use JEMH, is this possible? I wasn't able to find any definitive answers.
Is it possible to retrieve attachments from an issue using JEMH text format? I would like to display the attachments from issues, but only receive the name of the file.
I am using JEMH to send emails as I have customised templates. I have the include attachments setting in JEMH selected and when I add an attachment to a JIRA issue in IE, it appears c...
...mail was sent. I’ve looked around a little bit for an answer and found that “project mapping” could do this. But like in this case: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Core-questions/JEMH-F...
...ormat RawE.g. comment-%Y-%T-%P comment--- Add Embedded Atts ON We have Jira Software 7.11.2 and JEMH 2.7.7. Any advise is much appreciated. Thanks Graziella
I may overlook the answer but I don't seem to find an example about this. Question: a mail is processed (JEMH), but in a certain defined profile I want to change the summary field with s...
Hi, based on this article https://thepluginpeople.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/JEMH/pages/49676406/Prevent+inhibit+sending+of+a+notification+Issue+Event+or+Postfunction I use postfunction to send e...
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