I have a table on one of my confluence pages that I would like to have more freedom styling things such as column widths, borders etc. Specifically I am having trouble with getting the correct syntax...
Hi, I want to publish generated W3C respec HTML in a confluence page via the HTML macro. I solved the separate CSS by including it in the HTML. However, the respec also contains: <section i...
Hello Confluence expert, In a Confluence web page, we try to add our HTML codes (with a javascript) by inserting "HTML Macro for Confluence". The javascript (embedded in the HTML Macro) requires to ...
I have a page with an image map (created via html-bobswift). When I use the Include Page macro to include the page's content in a different location, the image map is not longer clickable. It renders...
Hi Community, I have a typical requirement, where I want to show/ hide the custom fields based on the Message Type field in Issue Edit Screen in JIRA data center. Existing configuration: I have c...
So, Confluence Cloud is leading the pack, shining brighter than ever. But hey, ever noticed something's missing? Yeah, that trusty HTML macro took a little detour in the cloud version. No worries tho...
I wrote a js function to hide rows in a table based on some criteria, I tested the code offline on local files and it worked properly with no errors I implemented the same code in confluence ...
I'm building a feature in my SaaS product to allow users export reports (React UI Page) to Confluence. I initially tried generating HTML content corresponding to the React components and pushing it t...
Is there a way that I could edit confluence macros using REST API. I want to use Python to update JQL (Jira Query Language) query within Advanced table (JQL Tables) macro on a Confluence ...
I am trying to create a counter on a page that can increment and decrement by pressing a button. I wrote this HTML code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Space...
We have an in house built application that we use to run various test scripts and track the progress of the script executions. We would like a solution via a Confluence macro (or otherwise) by which ...
I regularly use an HTML macro with a `<style>` CSS block that targets different elements to customize the look of our pages on Confluence DC (Server). Our organization is moving to Confluence C...
Hello, I'm searching for an App hosted in european Cloud as alternative for the previous HTML macro in the server version which is not available anymore in Cloud. Thanks for your support. Petra
I am on Confluence server and I am trying to post a Dynamic HTML file onto Confluence through python script. I know this HTML works because it shows up when being posted using editor with the default...
Hi, I added a simple Jira collector script embeded in htm to a confuence page in the html macro. When "previewing" the page shows its content and the "collector" button. When saving th...
So for certain Confluence pages with a template table, I want to create an HTML macro script that allows users to click a button and autopopulate cells in the template table with data retrieved from ...
Hi When I add an Iframe with the HTML macro, this works fine but all the data which was below the html macro disappears on the presentation view. It leaves all space below the macro blanco....
Hi all, We're currently adding html marco to our page like this: But it doesn't work as expected, the page is shown like this: As you can see, only the first html appears and it's not even s...
Dear Atlassian Community, could I please ask a question about Confluence (cloud)? I would like to know is it possible to insert an iframe into Confluence page such way that this iframe would be ful...
Hello, We need assistance on how we can enable iFrame and HTML macro on our confluence page. I read that these are disabled by default. Basically, we need to embed a report from...
Hi Is it possible to add a floating table of contents without any additional addons in Confluence 6.13.4 Datacentre? The HTML Macro is available, but as we're using Datacentre it's not feasible to a...
I am using HTML macro in Confluence. I have added some HTML code and JS code. In my HTML code, I have table and the cells are blank. I have onClick event on each cells. So, if I click on a particula...
Hi, We are creating a page "B" on a button click from a HTML macro on Page "A". Now while creating page B using an Ajax call from Page A, we would also like to enable the ...
I have Confluence 6.8.1 and JIRA 7.9.0. I want to have two buttons on one Confluence page - each button will create a ticket with a different issue type in the same JIRA project. I have create...
I've written some javascript that does a bunch of asynchronous API calls to display third-party content on the current page. (I also do this as a way of displaying confluence content ...
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