Hello, I have a case where I need to save the latest version added\ removed rom the multi select fixVersion field. My problem - I can't find a way to access via smart value the latest added release...
I created Releases for the next six months. When I want to add a future release to the 'Fix Version' field, most of the Releases don't show up. This is something new as, until last week, all the rele...
Hello There! Currently I am restricting users to edit versions in some of my projects using project roles and only users in Project role= Fix Version Assigner and Users in Group "Dev1", "QA2...
I'm trying to use the Jira API to update a list of jira issues with a fix version. I've had limited success updating individual Issues with: PUT /rest/api/2/issue/{IssueID} body: { &n...
I want to set an id for the fixVersion by a script. It is able to set by REST API using Python' s requests method as following, #------ url = "https://xxxxxxx.atlassian.net/rest/api/3/issue/TTES3-...
Hello, Could you please tell me more what changed within upgrade Jira Server 8.20.10 as my company noticed that view of "Releases" tab - fixVersions in software project has been changed from t...
There are multiple version labels to the project. I have admin rights My Colleague has the same rights, she is able to see and edit the FIx Versions, I am not
Hi Jira Gang, Thank you for all the valuable updates you've made over the years. 🙏 Our organization would hugely benefit with the ability to share a release ac...
Our projects allow anyone from any team to create tickets. The problem is they sometimes edit the fix version field when they should not! - The field is hidden from the Create ticket screen - Docum...
Hi We have a project where versions are named based on a name scheme that makes them predictable. Like "PROJECT NAME 0.0.1" I would like to create a rule that edits an issue and assi...
Hi, We need to develop a sil script where the last added version in issue is needed. What are the ways to pull the last added value from the fixVersion field?
Hi Guys, Need one help, not able to Release items from Kanban board, all issue are in Closed status but Resolution is Unresolved . Kindly suggest how to release these items, some issue ha...
hi admin: please do help, facing issue with fixversion. The fixiversion is already archived and I can not choose it anymore (my role is release manager), while many developers are able to see this f...
We recently had a case where a developer was able to select an Archived Release in FixVersion. This should not be possible and attempts to reproduce the problem were not successful. He was unable t...
Hello everyone, I have a use case and like your guidance use case: I have fix version called march release and have 10 stories added to that release. After my release is done and all validat...
Is there a way to export release data into csv or xls? I can go to the Releases section and can filter by name but I cannot find an easy way to export the data on the page (Version, Status, Sta...
Hello Atlassian Cloud folks! I have a question regarding load times on the 'Fix Version' field in Jira. The question: What would cause 'Fix Version' to load slowly in a project even with m...
I want to have the fix version auto populate by extracting the "YYYY-MM" from the due date. Eg: if the due date is 2022/02/15 then I want the fix version to be updated as 2022-02. I tried doing it us...
If I have an items linked to a story, is it possible to have Fix Version, show these items? So we wanted to have Epic > Story > Task > Sub task (we needed the extra layer) but you cant crea...
I want to set my rule to add the Next unreleased version instead of setting it to the Next unreleased version but I dont know what the field name is called. This is what I'm envisioning: { "update...
Hi! In our Jira software instance, Change Request tickets are linked via the Parent Link to Epics. Each Epic can be assigned to a different fix Version. Every time the fix Version is updated ...
Jira dashboards and Confluence reports based on filters ordered by the FixVersion field do not sort correctly: I wonder if the fact that some of our tickets are assigned to more than one version...
Hi there, I have a strange case: I have two projects, project A and project B. Project A has linked issues from project B. When a fix version is added to project A, I want them to be updat...
Hi, what I want to do is to ensure, that the fixVersion field has to has at least one valid value*. Empty fixVersion is also allowed. *I define valid values as values that meet a certain regex lik...
Hi, I have a project on JIRA linked to Aha. There are certain stories on JIRA though that have a specific fix version and the issue is that the story is not being able to transition through...
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