I am new here, admittedly! So, I apologize if I am doing this incorrectly. I have a great consulting opportunity with a top Med Device client in Boston, MA looking for the below experience i...
How to get complete active users list of Crucible/Fisheye in recent 3 months, and how to get users last seen date and time
Hi. We've downgraded from to a 5-user license but have 8 users in our system. We don't need them, and in the past have been able to delete users who are not active. However, when I'm trying with thes...
With bibucket pipelines we generate several code metrics like: RAM usage, ROM usage, Unit Test Coverage ... etc. I would like to have an overview of these metrics over my branch commits. This way I ...
If I use SVN repositories for code review projects, with some repositories only the first commit entry is shown. I suppose that it can have to do with the property change of the repository, because I...
Atlassian gives me a new license key but when i want to install it i obtain the message "The Crucible Licence Key you have entred is invalid" My Server ID is: BPSX-7SN0-77P3-L65N My SEN is:&nb...
So I have had Jira and Fisheye/Crucible installed and fully integrated to the point where from Jira I can see Fisheye/Crucible branches and when creating a code review in Crucible against a Jira tick...
Our Tenable scan has flagged our recent upgrade to Crucible/Fisheye 4.8.13/4.8.14 for the version of libcurl contained within the x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl-gnutls.so.4.7.0. Docker container running o...
How many of you admins use Azure AD as your Identity Provider? While Azure AD offers robust identity management, integrating it with Atlassian can be complex. Challenges arise from managing user prov...
Hi Community people, I have one concern about the Fisheye-crucible & linked repository code. I'm currently using a Fisheye-crucible server (V 3.7 & V 4.7) and the system consists of hundreds...
I have my Fisheye server linked to Jira Cloud via application link. I removed some repositories in Fisheye, but any issues that are linked (via commit messages that reference the issue tags) are sti...
I am wondering if there is any setting or way to prevent authors from marking issues as resolved in crucible code reviews if they are not the one who created the defect or issue that needs resolution...
Does Crucible integrate with Polarion ? How does the integration work if there is one ?
I misclicked and hit the little red 'x' on one of the files in Crucible. The file was immediately removed from the review, and there doesn't appear to be any way to restore it. In "View Review Histo...
Is it possible to export review details (# reviewers, #issues, time reviewed, etc.) from Crucible? Effort using Crucible for peer reviews however we need to start looking at peer review effecti...
We wanted to know if it's a one time payment? Will there be any additional payment after every year? If it is one time payment, what is the cost of support for future? If we decide to add few m...
Greetings, I'm attempting to establish a connection between Jira and Perforce bidirectionally. My goal is to ensure that any modifications made in Perforce are reflected in the corresponding Jira ti...
HELLO, when connecting to the Fisheye app on my local machine http://localhost:8060 I am unable to log in although the username and the password created while installation is screenshoted so...
Hello Atlassian Community! Effective December 2023, the Quick Add Repository plugin for Fisheye/Crucible has been decommissioned and users must use the repository management features introduced in ...
FishEye and crucible are installed on the same server. The Server-ID is: BPSX-7SN0-77P3-L65N The new FishEye starter license is ok. But when I want to install the license key for crucibl...
In the process of using Crucible, code reviewers often do not know where a method is defined and implemented due to their lack of familiarity with the code. Therefore, I would like to ask if it is po...
Server Error What should I do if a problem occurs as shown in the picture below?
It logs me out after half an hour or an hour of inactivity. This is very annoying, because I can type a comment and try to post it but it fails because I've been logged out, and then I have to type i...
From time to time, I am added as a reviewer for inspections as a courtesy. As a result, I receive every email notification for an inspection I'm not really involved in. I would like to c...
Hello everyone, Currently, we have a local SVN server and a local Crucible/Fisheye server running. We are considering purchasing a cloud license for Crucible/Fisheye, but we would like to keep our S...
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