Hi, Can ScriptRunner's Dynamic Forms be used in post-functions? If not, how can I make this accessible to normal users? I'm writing a custom bulk clone function based on user's saved filt...
Hello Does anyone know of problems with Jira (8.11 in our case) installed on a Windows Server 2016 10.0 ? Description of the problem on this instance : Our project has a trans...
Hi, I need to export Dynamic Forms configuration as a .json file by using scriptrunner. Does anyone know how to do it ? Best Regards Nilufar
I would like to display a screen message, when an option of a drop-down menu has been chosen under the drop-down menu. I tried Dynamic Forms, but I can only choose a field, but not a screen message. ...
We have a problem with using bundled fields on the portal. When we send Customer notifications we include ${request.details} so they can easily see what information was included in their request. W...
Hello Community, for a better overview we integrated bundled fields (dynamic forms add-on) in our JIRA Tickets. Is it possible to adress the subfields that are "consolidated" in a bundled field di...
Hello, I have created a rule that references a custom field (used in a dynamic form). The rule runs correctly and the if statements correctly pick the custom fields but when the email is sent ...
Does dynamic form (devinity) enable exploiting data in the form in dashboard ?
I am on the hunt for a plugin that will let me establish a relationship between three fields in a way that will let me set up select lists for each field, and when a selection in field 1 is made I se...
Hi everyone! I'd like to invite you to a webinar which me and @Maxime Nie [Tempo] will host on August 28th on behalf of Deviniti and Tempo. How much time at work is actually spent working...
In the first part of this article, I've reported on the most important Atlassian product news from the Summit 2019 in Las Vegas. In this second part, I'll focus on the changes that happened to the At...
Last year, with its 65 million active users, Atlassian Jira was and still is one of the most popular project management tools. Now, the number is probably even higher. No wonder that we oft...
User experience is important not only when it comes to the customer support but also our own employees. If we want people working for us to be happy, we need to look at them as internal ...
Hello, i am trouble setting these fields (from this app) in a behaviour. While this works for a standard jira select or radiobutton field: formField.setFormValue(optionId) it has no eff...
I'm using Automation for Jira in tandem with Dynamic forms and the custom fields do not appear under the "Choose field to set" filter. My goal is to copy the trigger issue's value for certain fields,...
Extension for Jira Service Desk is our flagship app available on the Atlassian Marketplace. From the incentive of Marketplace, this product has been providing the most wanted features impro...
In the first part of this series, we focused on the first touch point of our customers whenever they come to us for support - the Help Center. As we've learned from there, Jira Service Desk...
One of our stops on the recent trip to the United States was San Francisco, where we hosted our own Jira Service Desk Day 2018. We invited Atlassian team, Solution Partners, AUG members and...
Hi. I need to create a field, where I can insert a sql script which show me information in dropdown from a dbb, and also after any selection I need that another field appears. Thanks.
I am currently using a trial version of Dynamic Forms for Jira. I can create a Dynamic Select field with a couple of options. I can select a related field but the problem I am having is that it does ...
When it comes to raising a service desk request, time and details count. However, users value the simplicity of the request forms, which they don’t always get. Especially when i...
MetLife is one of the world’s leading financial services companies. In Poland, MetLife began its operations in 1990 as the first insurance company with foreign capital o...
From March 14th 2018 onwards, InTENSO provides its services and products under a new name: Deviniti. Why did we change our name? Our organization needed a brand name that was consistent with our vi...
Hi everyone, I need to do issue bulk change betwenn two different projects. But when I start to do this change some request fields look messy or doesn't appers. The first project uses a, b and c re...
Working with Jira Software Server issues or Jira Service Desk Server requests, often there is a situation when you need to provide small chunks of information as parts of a greater whole. T...
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