Thanks so much to everyone who joined our September Appy Hours live! The presenters included experts in Document Management apps for Confluence. @Marin Varvodic presenting ...
This webinar describes the Best Practices of Managing your Quality System and Risks on Atlassian Jira and Confluence Cloud. This 1hour webinar focuses on how to best manage documents, records, ris...
Hi, I create a workflow. Apply it to the confluence page. Save. But the workflow icon does not appear on the page. The workflow icon does not appear even if I apply the standard workflow. Does any...
Confluence document management best practices unlock value on Confluence Data Center and Confluence Cloud as well. Both deployment options are equipped to scale up as growing companies manage more an...
Hey everyone, As part of the MeetTheSpeaker Series for PM72 I wanted to introduce myself and welcome you to my session. Before I jump in, let me introduce the incredible PM72 event. It’s a ...
We have a pdf document that needs to be signed by several management members. I want to send the pdf doc to the 1st admin, he signs and approved it in confluence then it automatically send the page t...
Bonjour, Je viens de lire ce post sur Comala Document Management comme solution de création de workflow de révision. Je voudrais l'implémenter en add-on mais il existe également Comala...
Hello, I am proud to present you our brand new Electronic Document Management System on the Marketplace. Here are a few features of the plug-in : -It is a 21 CFR Part 820.40 compliant EDMS for Con...
Hi, Likewise we've an option in Confluence Server/DC instance to Edit an document of attachment via Atlassian Companion, does this feature exists in cloud too?
Hi, I would like to combine below into one like of code for links:- Condition 1: Issue type is Bug Condition 2: Status of Bug issues is NOT Closed #{if (%{(‘${Links[n].IssueTypeName...
I am at IBM - US Southbury, CT - AIW This just started happening this week. It was no problem previously, has anything changed any upgrades or something to that effect? If I cut my document to 20...
Has anyone created or used a requirements template or form to capture the specific requirements for a new Jira Service Management site? What is used to make sure all aspects of a new site and p...
Hi, I use Comala Document Management for Confluence Cloud. I have created a custom workflow. The workflow itself works. But I don't see the link "approved version" anymore, which is normally...
this validator compares the values of 2 custom fields and allows you to create a task only if the two values in the field are not more than 8 hours, the problem is that these fields are not required ...
Hi all, We have an oncall roster in excel. It has multiple worksheets with dates and who's on-call when. It has a summary page for today's date with links to the other pages to sh...
Hey Team, Once I worked with our important customer, I needed to approve NDAs to legal team. I usually use Jira for share the documents, but there is no way to get approval on Jira issues. I w...
Hi, all. I add the following query to the report template in Word format: Bugs ${for task} ${set(count,0)} #{for n=LinksCount|filter=%{'${Links[n].IssueTypeName}'.equals('Bug')}} ${set(count,%{...
Project Documents allows you to attach your project-related documents directly to a Project so that they are available in one place. Easily update an existing file with a new version. The P...
Is attachment security a problem for you? Document Vault offers a secure attachment repository that can be hidden from all but the specified users. Document Vault can also hide or incorporate Jira at...
For the last week I have been unable to upload documents into JIRA. I get an error message saying "We couldn't save your comment" with a suggestion that it's due to invalid formatting. I have ...
Assume an organizatin is migrating from Server to the Cloud. Currently they are using the companion app to edit documents and upload them back automatically in Server. Is this still necessary,...
Hello I have the following Issue and would be greatful for any help on how to solve this: I uploaded multiple pdf-documents onto our Confluence space. After uploading, the content has been ...
Hello, Just started to use Comala today, so please excuse me if its a silly question. I created a basic workflow and was testing it out with a colleague. He is able to see the "View In Progress" li...
Hello, Does anyone know the syntax or how to create drop down list in markup language (for Comala Document)? I couldn't find the syntax for it, in Thank you.
Has anyone figured out yet how to get the Page Properties to appear in the Page Properties Report when adding the markup to the Comala Document Management header?
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